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Who Else likes the Cantina?

Mad Zagyg

Hey, I'm going to be 41 at the end of this month... I doubt I could come up with something 'kewl' if my life depended on it. However, my homebrew --our, really, it's a collaborative effort-- is a heartbreaking work of staggering genius :).

Hee hee :) I was just teasing ya bro. You're obviously a smart and creative guy. I have no doubt that you've done a good job putting together a strongly playable setting with the 4e offerings.

Let me ask you this: which is more important, what EGG wrote on page 21 of the AD&D DMG, or all the supplemental material, including the classic adventures, which more-or-less contradict it (or at the very least complicate his statements to the point of needing serious reevaluation).

D&D settings, explicit or implied, have always been crawling with whacked-out life, quite a lot of it sentient. The only difference between 4e and 1e is that a few more of the outlier races are playable. From the simulationists standpoint, that's no difference at all.

I don't believe the support material contradicts what EGG was stating. To clarify (as I only posted a tid-bit of what he wrote), the heading was specifically about playing as monsters, not adventuring in a world where monsters exist. That's what he meant about humanocentric.

This isn't to say that divergent, odd or non-human campaign worlds cannot work. My main beef is that the soup has been spoiled with too much in the base. Weird, odd and divergent is now the norm - or sci-fantasy as it has come to be called.

I get it though, this is the D&D for the majority of young whipper-snappers and a few grognards like yourself who have taken to the new music. But as for me... "I want you to turn down that G.D. Rock n' Roll!!! <shakes cane at you> If it weren't for you meddling kids I'd still be able to name all of the races in my tavern."

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Mad Zagyg

Please don't ever compare me to a Twilight fan again. :/


It seems to me that you're mistaking you own limited conception of a 'correct' setting for the broader concept of 'campaign cohesion'. 2E Planescape was among the most coherent, compelling and immersive fictional universes I've ever come across, but since it features a multitude of sentient races it appears that you're ready to consign it automatically to some trash pile of disposable and faddish consumer culture. I can't help but feel you've missed something.

Planescape was a separate setting for those who LIKE the weird. It was not the core. This is exactly my point. It's easier (and better) to add chocolate swirl to your vanilla. It's easier to sprinkle your cheese into the broth.

Now, if you want your food without cheese all over it, you have to pick it all off. Gross.

Silvercat Moonpaw

I am wondering with all the new races and people here getting excited with them, how do you roleplay them without being too "human"?
I don't.
If you say they all have some humanized personality, then the races are just a coat of paint, played just for stats but the fluff can be transfered to humans or classic races.
The paint is a very important part of the character to me. (But not the stats all that much, just so you know.)
For those who play wildens and shardminds, how do you roleplay them?
As myself. The real me.

That last one is basically how I figure the process works, at least for me:
I roleplay to be myself. There's a little inner part of me that's playing the character and they have to be right, including looks, or instead they're just stuck under another false face like I am in real life.


I don't.

The paint is a very important part of the character to me. (But not the stats all that much, just so you know.)

As myself. The real me.

That last one is basically how I figure the process works, at least for me:
I roleplay to be myself. There's a little inner part of me that's playing the character and they have to be right, including looks, or instead they're just stuck under another false face like I am in real life.

Thanks for answering. I do play as myself as well, and always thought I have to put on a pretentious identity when playing a really weird race. I guess if I play a human like Han Solo, I can play a shardmind "greedo shooting" scoundrel as well.

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