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Who is Blackleaf?

Don Carnage

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By that comic's rationale, I should hang myself everytime I get flamed on a message board or the Chiefs lose.

Man, how did Chick make it out of adolescence?

Is it me, or does the preacher at the end look like Cobra Commander when he was a used car salesman?

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Hey, we beat the Pope!

Hey give some Chick some props!!!
If the amount of articulation he wastes on role-playing versus the trash he writes on Catholicism is any indication he either:

A.) Thinks role-playing is a much harder not to crack then Catholicism and really respects the arguments role-players throw out at him.

B.) Thinks role-playing represent a higher quality form of damnation and thus is deserving of a lot more effort than an institution that is leading nearly a billion people to a low grade hell.

C.) Role-playing games have better articulation than Catholicism and are thus easier for him to understand.

I sympathize with all these options, but I'd have to go with C.

I'm Catholic and as a rules manual I think even 1e wails on a catechism.
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First Post
brings back memories of my parents throwing away all of my D&D books over and over again and telling my friend's parents on the phone not to let me play it at their house when I would spend the night


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My response

This is a notice of cease and desist against your slandering portrayal of D&D I Nathaniel Jensen Intend to file a lawsuit against Chick Publications for personality slandering, and rash and unchristian like comments in things such as your "Jack Chick" Comic strip. This is not a joke I will consider my options if A) you releas a written letter of apology to the D&D Community, and again ceasation of your publication of the biased articles by Mr. Chick.

Articles that promote a Gamer hanging herself because her Character died are flagrantly deranged portrayals of an innocent game by a non gamer. Mostly we who play D&D are nerdy individuals with a good imagination who enjoy creativity. For you to say that D&D is of the devil, and sinful. And that we players truly believe that we will be able to cast spells and such nonsense is very blatantly in error. We simply get together and play a game, eat some popcorn, and go on about our day. Sure one or two people may take it to far, but that happens with every form of publication (Even christian comics it would seem)
Again if you do not Cease your publication of the said offensive material within 30 days I will be forced to take legal action.

I know it was a dumb response but my Vicoden muddled mind said do it and see what you get for a response.

He was arguing DnD as an evil as you would site a religious manual such as the Koran, or the Book of Mormon.

I for one do not see anyway in which we as players could view D&D as anything other than a really great game.


Oof. If you're going to send something like that, make sure you spellcheck and proof read it first. I caught 21 typos in that short paragraph. :(

So, you going to follow up with legal action? If you don't, you now make all gamers look bad.


First Post
Hmm... If it wasn't for what I think would be a very real chance of some sort of unpleasantness (either legal or ISP-related), I'd suggest someone send Mr. Chick a letter explaining about the "Book of Vile Darkness" and how exactly they were going to use the spells inside it to turn him into a pair of smoking boots ;)

The pathetic part is that, given what he seems to believe about the occult and D&D, the moron must think he's the God's chosen one, or something, to have stayed alive this long with all the evil people capable of casting spells around...
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