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Who played Basic D&D all the way up through all of the sets?

Silver Moon

I date all the way back to the white box with the three booklets inside. I played the Red and Blue boxes on campouts (and still own them). Never got into "Epic" level characters though. Great to see threads where us old timers can come to get a blast of nostalga (outside of the Dragonsfoot.org board that is).

Now who want to get the ball rolling about having to chisel our polyhedron dice out of stone, or having to walk seven miles uphill, both ways, to get to the game becuase cars were not invented yet. :D

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First Post
I played with the Red and Blue booklets. However given my age I never really stuck with one character or campaign. Plus in my area there werent alot people to play with for a long period of time.

To make matters worse, AD and D came out about the time. I owned several of the monster books, and at least early on I didnt get the face that it was a different game, not just an advanced version compatible with the game I always knew.

So no, I never got my PC to the level of Immortal. The rules cyclopedia roxxor btw for anyone wanting a simple games sytem or a nostalgia. The pdfs sold at svgames or rgpnow are of just ok quality but are entirely usable.


I played with the red, blue and green books for a long time and didn't graduate to AD&D until my junior year of high school, although we did combine content from Unearthed Arcana with the basic set.

Ahhh the good old days, when the classes were fighter, thief, cleric, wizard, elf, dwarf, and halfling! :p


First Post
Oh my.............

White books, red books, through to L36, Stopped (gamed Traveller, CoC, Paranoia and lots of others in the meantime, hated AD&D), picked up the Rules Cyclopedia (STILL the best rules system, ever), dusted down our old "nearly God" characters and put them through the Immortals Paths when the Immortals adventure came out (Rad's an old friend now), started a new campaign that carried on for around 10 years until some old buffoon (me) killed it by converting it to 3E because the feel is "just different", now gaming in 3/3.5E happily in several campaigns including a very hacked Vilhon Reach.

Decades of gaming in one paragraph :confused:


That's Latin for "cool"
Knightcrawler & Greywulf,

You realize that by playing through twice you guys won D&D according to the Immortals rules? Congratulations!


First Post
The tricky thing about this question is how the publications were strung out. Basic came out in 1977. Expert in 1981. The rest were not published until 1983. So a lot of people might have started with the old Blue Book Basic (the Red Book was actually the 8th printing, 1981) and gone off to something else well before an "Expert" even existed.


Hm... I had the old magenta set, and then went to the newer expert book. Then companion. Then Master. Then Immortals... Then went to AD&D 2nd Edition, as it came out at the time we were finishing the immortals fun...

Strangely, those original characters from OD&D were reborn into 2nd edition (in addition to bunches of others, we started to have a couple parties in the world at once). Those originals participated in "DIE VECNA DIE!" which ended the 2nd edition campaign (while the other characters did the Apocalypse Stone)... Then, thanks to those two world smashing adventures, reality restructured itself, but those original characters have yet to resurface (though many of the others have, all having to start at 1st level again).




Let's see...OD&D (pre-basic)...Wombat, Plane Sailing, Silver Moon, diaglo (still playing it), myself, a few others on these boards...Still trumped by Col_Pladoh who was playing when the rules were all on drink napkins... ;)

Krail Stromquism

First Post
Cyclopedia RULES!

I was playing 2nd when the friends said hey why dont we play some Oldschool D&D. They ahd been playing in since they were 10-12, we were 18-20 when we started it all up again. Were still palying it via email today!

were all really high level, except for a really late starter that ahs a 14 level elf and a Fenaere, thats a cleric, hed be 46th level if he were human!

anyhows only one of our troupe made it to immortality although most of us are on a path. The Dm tossed out the Wrath of the Immortals and used his own world changing events. Namely an undead holocaust and a second moon. Old Nyx and Mahree, nearly wipe out the prime, and mages really take a pounding. Good Fun.

anyhow, its good to see people still playing or at least remembering a GREAT system thats still great to this day!

Voidrunner's Codex

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