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Who was right

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My opinion....

Within the game, unless the characters agreed to specific exceptions beforehand, an equal split is an equal split, no matter how much an individual character "lost" in the acquisition of the loot. As a DM, I would leave it up to the characters to decide if they wanted to donate a portion of their fair share to the guy who lost his shield or something, but as a player, I usually play a character type who would say "tough ti++y" if someone asked for part of his share of the treasure. He also wouldn't ask for other's treasure to make up for the loss of his own stuff.

Outside the game, whatever makes the game most fun for the most people, blah blah blah, etc.... Keep in mind, though, if the DM ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.

And few things annoy me more as a DM than a player who won't let a ruling go once it has been made.



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"Yeah, that was a difficult adventure too. We thought we had the orge for property damage, but the dumb hulk turned out to be smart enough to hire a metallurgist. This expert testifies that Farfel's sword is magical and super strong, so the cracks were superficial and the sword is still fully functional! Our fight against evil looks lost. But our attorney calls Farfel to the stand, and he gives his sob story about how he was really worried about his family heirloom. The jury bought it, so we wind up winning anyway for intentional infliction of emotional distress! Score one for the good guys!"


dont know if i get it right, but you lost the shiled in battle?

IMO, its a risk to be an adventure, and loosing/breaking equipment is "in the pack".

so, if i was the DM or group, i woundt give you 25k gp. if so, lets say a caster loose a spell from a scroll, from a misle attack from the enemy. i dont think he could earn more money by claiming that he lost a spell


Moff_Tarkin said:
Most have said its because they enjoy my very morbid/racist/offensive humor. I’m like Lenny Bruce and George Carlin’s love child.

Lenny Bruce and George Carlin are racist? I don't think so.


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Oryan77 said:
So the DM is doing a rewind? Wow, great bunch of players all around.

As a DM I (well, an NPC bad guy anyway) once killed a PC with one of those instadeath spells. A combat round later another player remembered that he had cast Death Ward on the deceased PC earlier.

I just said no problem, the fighter catches his wind and rises from the dead. Take two turns in a row since you missed one.

There's nothing wrong with doing rewinds, especially if a characters life is taken by faulty decision. I think the same applies for really important items, considering how essential gear is in 3E.

As a player I wouldn't be happy to lose a character or big item because of rules mistake. So I wouldn't let that go unfixed as a DM. Whining and a level playing field are two different things.


Moff_Tarkin said:
As for who agrees with me.


That makes half the party I believe. The other half just want their gold. And the DM, the tiebreaker, isn’t on my side. So that’s how things stand so far

Moff_Tarkin said:
I dont really believe in a democracy.

Those two statements make me chuckle.


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Moff_Tarkin said:
Whatever your opinion I struck a major victory here.


Numion said:
I just said no problem, the fighter catches his wind and rises from the dead. Take two turns in a row since you missed one.
Yes, I do the same thing if it's only been a short amount of time (within the round) and nothing has happened during that time that would interfere with the original ruling.

But if I killed a PC in the middle of an encounter and the encounter ends 5 rounds later and we learn that we all overlooked a rule that would have prevented the PC from dying, I will not rewind....especially if it's over equipment being sundered. I don't care about people who are so attached to gear that they feel it would make or break their PC & they'll literally whine about it.

If they die by my mistake, then I'll setup a scenario afterwards to allow for a cheap or free resurrection without any level loss. Or I'd come up with some scenario where the PC didn't actually die. If I sundered an item illegally, I'd probably allow it to be repaired (maybe require a short/easy side quest as payment), or I'd replace it with something similar or better depending on what will make the player happy.

I try to never do rewinds or take-backs even if I screwed up. It completely ruins the realism & flow of the story for me. With a little creativity you can always fix your mistake.

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