Who's you favorite comic book hero(ine)?


Marvel: Captain America, especially the Ultimate version ("Surrender?!? What do you think the 'A' stands for, FRANCE?!?!")

DC: Batman, with Hush being my favorite story arc so far (I buy trades and have never subscribed to any comic)

Other: Hellboy. Who doesn't love Big Red?

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Silver Moon

A rather eclectic list:

1. Iron Man
2. Speedy/Arsenal
3. Jack-in-the-Box
4. Songbird
5. Beast
6. Starman
7. Jon Sable
8. Nocturne
9. Sewer Urchin
10. Lilith/Omen
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Darth Shoju

First Post
Daredevil. He's like a Batman that is easier to identify with.

Runners-up include Superman, Batman, Spider-man, J. Michael Strazinsky's Nighthawk, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Wolverine, Iron-man and the Incredible Hulk.

Honourable mention goes to the Main Man, Lobo.


First Post
Tetsubo said:
So, are you happy or sad that Nicholas Cage will be playing him in the movie?

I would say happy...I like him as an actor and knowing his passion for the character I think would only add to it.


Hellboy, Grimjack, Jon Sable, Manhunter, Hawkeye,
Captain America, Daredevil and Wolverine.

Hellboy rocks :)


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