Who's you favorite comic book hero(ine)?

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Okay, here is my list:

Superman, been a big fan since I was a little kid.
Wonder Woman (Lynda Carter)
Captain America (60's-80's)
Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
Spiderman 2099
Captain Marvel


First Post
Well, since the original post didn't say that the character had to be a superhero... I'm going to have to go with Jedi Master Quinlan Vos from the Star Wars: Republic comic book series.

I've enjoyed every Ostrander/Duursema comic, and this character has to be one of the best Star Wars characters I've seen.

If his retconned appearance in TPM as a person in the background of a bar on Tatooine disqualifies him, I'll go with Aayla Secura.


World of Kulan DM
And a seperate list for female heros...

Wonder Woman
Kitty Pride
Catwoman (she sort of counts)
The Wasp
Hawk Girl
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First Post
Colossus. Looks too darn cool and he can't be hurt. I prefer the more stoic or less chatty versions (aka NON-CLAREMONT!) of his personality.

* * *

Why is it so difficult to people to respond with a single choice? I've never understood why a request for a favorite or top choice has to require a scrolling list -- "Oooh, it's so hard to pick! I like X for such-and-such reason, but Y is really my favorite in the summer, and then there's Z when I'm feeling gloomy, but I feel a certain connection with Q for some other goofy reason, and oooh I completely forgot about ..."

I'd hate to be at an ice cream shop with some of you folks. ONE DIP, LADY! A SINGLE DIP ... AND DON'T YOU EVEN *THINK* ABOUT A SPECIAL WAFFLE CONE!!!

Voidrunner's Codex

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