Who's you favorite comic book hero(ine)?

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First Post
Batman, first and foremost.

At one time I would have said Spider-man.

Old School Wolverine. Back in the, "I'm the best at what I do..." days.

The Thing. He's got a lot of heart.

Teflon Billy

I love Rorschach the character, but he's no hero.

He's a mental case.

I mean categorically, empirically and without question...he's batshit looney.


Teflon Billy said:
I love Rorschach the character, but he's no hero.

He's a mental case.

I mean categorically, empirically and without question...he's batshit looney.

Thats why I can relate to him so well.


First Post
Nightcrawler is my favorite comic book hero, though Venom is the most entertaining (just not as heroic, and somewhat less cool).

Though, from what little I've had the chance to read over the years comic-wise, Wolverine's occasional comic series/miniseries have been the best. Never had the chance to read any kind of Nightcrawler-focused series, and only got to read one or two short Venom miniseries that were funny and cool.


A suffusion of yellow
Okay I'm feeling a bit of a weirdo but my favourites haven't even been mentioned yet:(

Swamp Thing The Plant Elemental before the timetravelling adventure was kewl

The Phantom Stranger

Malcolm 10 - A Black Superhero named Malcolm with an X on his chest who lamented how the X once a symbol of Civil Rights Activism had been exploited and commercialised and thus from hence forth he would be known as Malcolm 10

Martian Manhunter (okay he has been mentioned so I'm not so weird afterall:D)

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