Who's you favorite comic book hero(ine)?

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Squire James

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As for the Watchmen ending, I'm sure it was left vague on purpose to encourage this sort of discussion. The Kid may grab the Book. The Kid may read the Book. The Kid might even be able to convince another living soul in the world that the Book was genuine and accurate. My opinion is "not bloody likely", but of course you never know...

Back on topic... my favorite hero is Nightcrawler. Not a powerhouse, and not terribly versatile, but for some reason I like him. Spiderman and Batman are good too, but both fall victim to the Too Many Writers Syndrome. Nightcrawler seemed to make it through a lot of writers without being changed much, and I gotta respect that!

Tom Cashel

First Post
KenM said:

Yes, but the actions of the Kid was after Rorschach was long dead, therefore Rorshach was not responsible, and the Kids boss said he did not care what story he grabed.

Huh? Rorschach mailed his journal before he left for Antarctica. The kid is reaching for the journal. Presumably, he runs the story revealing Ozymandias' hoax. And the implication is that this revelation will steer the world back into the war.

Putting aside the (irrelevant) question of whether someone can be "responsible" for an act posthumously, I'm just saying that the ending strongly implies that killing Rorschach fails to stop the story from getting out.

Squire James said:
As for the Watchmen ending, I'm sure it was left vague on purpose to encourage this sort of discussion. The Kid may grab the Book. The Kid may read the Book. The Kid might even be able to convince another living soul in the world that the Book was genuine and accurate. My opinion is "not bloody likely", but of course you never know...

Exactly. You never know.
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if i see one more vote for spidey or supes or bats im gonna be sick. c'mon guys.

my favorites?

10. Pick an Avenger: Yellowjacket, Vision, Scarlet Witch, Hawkeye
9. Static
8. Luke Cage
7. Quasar
6. Ertrigan the Demon
5. Black Knight
4. Deadpool
3. Nightcrawler
2. Cannonball
1. Wonderman

I'm probably missing someone.

and honorable mention goes to the entire Legion, the entire Blood Syndicate, and the entire Booster-Beetle-Fire-Ice-Guy JLA which were groups that were great because of the group dynamic and its hard to pick one guy out.


First Post
Lord Fanny of the Invisibles.



First Post
Whilst I'm a huge fan of Batman and Superman, a few other characters I'm quite a fan of are:

Doc Strange
Iron Man
Huntress (current version)
The Confessor


First Post
Old school all the way!

My top 8 in no particular order:

The Hulk
Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
The Flash (Barry Allen)

Kenpo Wolf

First Post
My favorite comic characters would have to be Namor followed closely by Shang Chi, Elektra, John Sable, Iron Fist, Nightwing, Green Arrow, Moon Knight and Silver Sable

WizarDru said:
They're not my favorites, but I always had a soft spot for many of Marvel's 'also-rans', like The Manta and The Shrike. Heck, even that guy with the Turbo-fans on his hands and feet, who got hooked up with Rom. And the second Ant-man, too. I like him a lot.

I have a fondness for the lesser known heroes as well. The Manta dude you're talking about could be Stingray, if I recall correctly, and the Turbo fan guy was called Torpedo who died in the Rom comic. I have no idea who The Shrike is but there is a vilain called Killer Shrike. Maybe you're confusing the two? :)

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