Who's you favorite comic book hero(ine)?


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Wonder Woman all the way!!!!

She is my all-time favorite, which is why most of my extra moolah is spent collecting wonder items. :D

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They're not my favorites, but I always had a soft spot for many of Marvel's 'also-rans', like The Manta and The Shrike. Heck, even that guy with the Turbo-fans on his hands and feet, who got hooked up with Rom. And the second Ant-man, too. I like him a lot.


Hmm, there is way too many super heroes & heroines for me to enjoy but I'll try to make a top 10 list in no particular order:

1) Doc Savage
2) The Shadow
3) Batman
4) Superman
5) Doctor Strange
6) Spiderman
7) Wonder Woman
8) Black Canary
9) Green Arrow
10) Captain Marvel (Billy Batson's alter ego)

Tom Cashel

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KenM said:
No he was not a Hero, my favorite is Rorsach(SP?) because at the end of it, he was the only one that did not conform with everyone else, he knew what the bad guy was doing and still wanted to stop him.

He was as much a hero as Rorschach...

Rorschach was so obsessed with "justice" that he caused the end of the world just so Ozymandias wouldn't "get away with it."

Anyway, my fave:

King Mob


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First Post
That depends on how you define "comic" and "hero(ine)". I mean, I've always liked Noa Izumi, but she's in a manga, so whether that counts is a factor. Also, she's a pilot of a Giant Robot, so whether you mean hero or superhero is also a factor. On the other hand, Aeka from Tenchi Muyo has Superpowers, but might not qualify since she isn't particularly heroic.

But in terms of western comics, I've always liked Wonder Woman and Batman.


Tom Cashel said:

He was as much a hero as Rorschach...

Rorschach was so obsessed with "justice" that he caused the end of the world just so Ozymandias wouldn't "get away with it."

Anyway, my fave:

King Mob

How did Rorschach cause the end of the world? Ozymandias did get away with it. Dr. Manhattan took care of Rorschach so he would not tell anyone, Rorschach was going to tell the world what Ozmandias was doing.


WizarDru said:
... Heck, even that guy with the Turbo-fans on his hands and feet, who got hooked up with Rom. ...

Torpedo. He was finally killed by Dire Wraiths; they left him for last after they killed and turned everyone else in that town he and Rom lived in. His battlesuit passed to two teenagers. Michael Jeffries, cousin to Brock Jones, joined The New Warriors as Turbo; the boy was killed by Dire Wraiths, leaving his friend Michiko "Mickey" Muashi as the new Turbo.


Green Lantern, hands down. I started reading it during the Crisis, and it was such a wicked storyline. I was so pissed when Ron Marz screwed with Jordan to put in Reyner. Then I got to like Kyle. Now apparently with Marz gone they turned Kyle into Hal Jordan II, which I would be pissed about if still read it.

Silver Moon

Have always been a big Ironman fan myself (since Tales of Suspense days).

I'm also partial to the original Starman, as portrayed in the most recent series (he was more heroic as an old man out of costume than 95% of the ones in tights).

Wonder Woman, as portrayed during the past year, is also right up there.

Voidrunner's Codex

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