Who's you favorite comic book hero(ine)?


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Agamon said:
Green Lantern, hands down. I started reading it during the Crisis, and it was such a wicked storyline. I was so pissed when Ron Marz screwed with Jordan to put in Reyner. Then I got to like Kyle. Now apparently with Marz gone they turned Kyle into Hal Jordan II, which I would be pissed about if still read it.

Join the club. While GL was never what I would call a favorite, I liked the character. Marz's story was just so mindbogglingly bad.

They drove the character insane in order to replace him with someone younger, did away with his vulnerability to yellow, and got rid of the GL Corps.

Now, from what I hear, they've returned his yellow weakness and brought back the Corps. And he has Jordan's personality now?

If that isn't a baby step forward and a giant leap back, I don't know what is. :(

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Having read Planetary, I'd have to say Elijah Snow.

He's smart, educated, cultured and polite.
He's a person of morals and ethics, but he's also scarier than any of his contemporaries in the Wildstorm universe. Like Batman, but more so.

And, of course, there's the white three-piece suit. With a white tie and white leather shoes. You gotta respect someone who doesn't dress in spandex or grungy clothing just because he's got a super power.



First Post
First choice would have to be Batman.

However I always have a really big soft spot for Booster Gold and Blue Beetle the way they were written by Giffen and DeMattis in the late 80's early 90's.

Tom Cashel

First Post
KenM said:

How did Rorschach cause the end of the world? Ozymandias did get away with it. Dr. Manhattan took care of Rorschach so he would not tell anyone, Rorschach was going to tell the world what Ozmandias was doing.

Re-read the last two pages. Rorschach mailed his journal to those news guys, and the whole thing ends with the kid reaching down to pick up the biggest story of his life--the story of Ozymandias' hoax "alien invasion."

I took this to mean that, in the end, Rorschach "won."


Well, I'm so old-school it's not funny!

Favorite superheros

Legion of Superheroes from the 60s. Ferro Lad was the best; Trip[licate Girl/Duo Damsel and Shrinking Violet were cool. Also like the Substitute Heroes- Color Kid and Infectious Lass, they were great!

Avengers - The Wasp, Black Knight. Not the strongest but cool personalities.

Justice Society, All-Star Squadron, Young All-Stars: Hourman, Wildcat, Dr Mid-Nite were excellent.

Black Orchid - when they didn't need to explain her powers.

Deadman - Floating around, bouncing into bodies to solve crimes.


Tom Cashel said:

Re-read the last two pages. Rorschach mailed his journal to those news guys, and the whole thing ends with the kid reaching down to pick up the biggest story of his life--the story of Ozymandias' hoax "alien invasion."

I took this to mean that, in the end, Rorschach "won."

Yes, but the actions of the Kid was after Rorschach was long dead, therefore Rorshach was not responsible, and the Kids boss said he did not care what story he grabed.


Plus, remember that when Rorschach mailed his journal, all they knew at that point was that Ozymandias was seemingly behind the mask killings. At the time, Night Owl and Rorschach had no idea just how far Ozymandias was willing to go to "fool" mankind into behaving. I don't think it's quite accurate, therefore, to blame Rorschach for "ending the world" just so "Ozymandias couldn't get away with it."

Still , had he lived, I'm sure Rorschach would have done just that. I find I have to respect him for that; if nothing else, he was true to his convictions to the end: "Even in the face of Armageddon, never compromise."

I myself like Dr. Manhattan, but possibly only because I get a kick out of the most powerful living being in the Universe being a blue-skinned guy named "Jonathan."

No blue skin yet, but you never know...

Dr Midnight

Tarek said:
Having read Planetary, I'd have to say Elijah Snow.
He's smart, educated, cultured and polite.
Uh... how is Elijah Snow polite? I've got to say that's maybe the second-to-last term I'd choose, right behind "black-clad".

I'm going with SWAMP THING (Alan Moore's run). Best comics I've ever read. I can't believe no one else has said Swamp Thing yet.

Close seconds- Spider-Man, Supreme (also AM's run), Moon Knight, Superman, maybe THE ULTIMATES Iron Man

Voidrunner's Codex

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