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Why a rapier is bad for an adventurer

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TLDW: adventurers (vice military in the video) are more likely to choose a broadsword over a rapier because the rapier has big issues vs multiple opponents and is less likely to break. And three other reasons.

Less an argument about whether OMGz broadswords is a better weapon and would be picked over rapier, and more about basis for these kinds of positions.

I'm familiar with this particular channel; it makes the rounds among HEMA & martial reconstructionist devotees-- one really has to take their opinions on fuzzy-and-not-very-clear medieval & renaissance manuscripts with a grain of salt.

As alluded briefly by Ungainlytitan above, the rapier evolved out of very specific circumstances; it was not strictly speaking a "military" weapon like a broadsword was. For the time period and purposes it was used, it did its job quite well.


What kind of sword was Gene Kelly using in the Three Musketeers? Cause that’s the one I think of when I think rapier.

From stills I'd hazard it's a theatrical epee? For film during that time, they'd use a prop like that because actors likely had theater training; also just for safety purposes.

The bell guard on his to protect the hand is similar to certain designs you'd see with rapiers from that period; other styles included pierced cup hilts, pierced dish hilts, forward guards, hilt rings, counter guards, loop guards, side rings and so on.


The obvious weapon for a dungeon crawler is a pike. It combines long reach and thrusting action (because you'll often have limited space preventing you from taking a swing); a pike is perfect for holding back a monster in a narrow tunnel.

Your sidearm would be a short sword, something to use at close quarters when a foe gets past the pointy stick. It would probably acquire some morbid slang name, because if a monster is close enough that you need the short sword, your odds of survival are... not good.

Crossbows would be the ranged weapon of choice. Again, they work better in tight spaces than other ranged weapons, and pack a lot of punch for Large-sized foes.

I can't see either a rapier or a broadsword getting much use. It's not that they're bad weapons, they're just designed for very different forms of combat.


I once worked with a guy whose last name was "Raper." He had a twin brother who was so embarrassed by his last name he legally changed it to "Rapier."



The obvious weapon for a dungeon crawler is a pike. It combines long reach and thrusting action (because you'll often have limited space preventing you from taking a swing); a pike is perfect for holding back a monster in a narrow tunnel.

According to Wikipedia, a pike was typically 3-7 meters long. Have you ever tried carrying a 9+ foot pole indoors? Can you imagine how difficult it would be to manuever through doors, around corners, and being unable to point the pike up because the ceiling is too low? Pikes were also designed to be used in formation rather than small skirmishes like D&D combat usually has. A pike would be a terrible weapon for a dungeon because it's so unwieldy. You're right though, it's great for holding back a monster in a narrow tunnel. As an adventurer, good luck getting to all the obstacles and setting up that pike though.

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