WHY are elves so danged cool?


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Not looking for heated arguments AGAINST elves. Really. So try to avoid picking them apart in this thread, and definitely don't pick on the message posters themselves*.

I'm very curious as to why some people find D&D elves to be so danged cool. Please explain. Try to use as much detail as possible. (Avoid "just because" as a reason.) If it's because they "look cool," elaborate on what aspect of their appearance appeals to you. If it's because they can "do cool things," clarify what those actions might be and why elves do it so well.

Wax poetic. Be specific. Give us reasons to love D&D elves.

* LATE EDIT: Except Eric Noah. You can always pick on Eric. That's a given.
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In 1e they had infravision, could multiclass into multiple classes simoultaneously (which allowed armored MU casting), detected secret doors automatically, had sword and bow bonuses, bonuses against goblins, surpise benefits, immunities to some things (including ghoul paralysis), lived for thousands of years and all for only a -1 to Con. They were pretty much flat out better than other people in many ways until you hit their level limits or wanted to play a human only class.

Living in the woods is cool. And living in tree forts. Basically, the whole tree-ness of elves is cool. It seems so...unstructured.

I think it comes down to esthetics. The odds were stacked against everyone but the elves from the start. What are your options?

*Human (boring, when you’re playing a game that is inherently fantastic)

*dwarf (short, overweight, dour [aka grumpy])

*halfling (REALLY short, but quick and agile)

*gnome (really short, big nose, not so quick and agile)

*half-orc (big and strong, but offensive to all the other races)

… so we are left with the slim, attractive race that is good with weapons and talented in magic.

So, if you want to be a good warrior-spell caster, and attractive, you pick elf. :confused:

Otherwise the second tier choices are the boring human, the offensive half-orc or the short halfling.

Voadam said:
In 1e they had infravision, could multiclass into multiple classes simoultaneously (which allowed armored MU casting), detected secret doors automatically, had sword and bow bonuses, bonuses against goblins, surpise benefits, immunities to some things (including ghoul paralysis), lived for thousands of years and all for only a -1 to Con. They were pretty much flat out better than other people in many ways until you hit their level limits or wanted to play a human only class.


Also they had the best art in the AD&D MM.

That's kind of like asking why I like chocolate and hate strawberry.

For myself, I like the "ancient child" angle of "classic elf" personalities, the archery affinity (I've done some archery myself and enjoyed it), and the pointed ears. :)

Mmm, pointed ears. :)

-The Gneech :cool:

I think it's because they have some of the best qualities of humanity without the frailties and flaws. They express our desire to live forever, constantly learning, equally happy with solitude or cheerful company.

If you're an elf, you're a nigh-immortal who is inherently beautiful and graceful, has an innate magical nature, and is a badass with both bows and swords. They cover more ground in their badassery than any of the other races. Dwarves get to be tough. Halflings get to be quick. Elves get to be ageless, graceful, strong, magical, deadly in a fight, and sought after as lovers by virtually all other humanoid races. They're the ultimate Mary Sue race.

Driddle said:
Not looking for heated arguments AGAINST elves. Really. So try to avoid picking them apart in this thread, and definitely don't pick on the message posters themselves.

I'm very curious as to why some people find D&D elves to be so danged cool. Please explain. Try to use as much detail as possible. (Avoid "just because" as a reason.) If it's because they "look cool," elaborate on what aspect of their appearance appeals to you. If it's because they can "do cool things," clarify what those actions might be and why elves do it so well.

Wax poetic. Be specific. Give us reasons to love D&D elves.
They're Mary Sues ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_sue ).

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