WHY are elves so danged cool?


5ever, or until 2024
even with these few posts, we are getting responses all over the place, but they come down to:

Like humans, but better.

Not shorter (ok, maybe just a little), uglier, goofier, angrier, dumber....better. Does that make them "lovable". No, thats what the looser races are for. They are just better.

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First Post
Lorthanoth said:
Give us reasons to LOVE, elves, guys. Mary Sues ain't loveable. ;)

I like them thanks to Tolkien's portrayal of them; yes they're beautiful, graceful, ageless, good with weaponry and magic BUT they are a dying race, this isn't their world anymore. No matter how good they are, the younger races will inherit the world they cherish. It's great.
In other words, as per Wikipedia definition, they're Angsty Mary Sues.

The Ubbergeek

First Post
Klaus said:
In other words, as per Wikipedia definition, they're Angsty Mary Sues.

If they where Mary Sues, they would be LIKEABLE. BIg point.

And REALLY perfect.

Remember the Bible, and the cautionary tales against Pride....


Lorthanoth said:
Give us reasons to LOVE, elves, guys. Mary Sues ain't loveable. ;)

I like them thanks to Tolkien's portrayal of them; yes they're beautiful, graceful, ageless, good with weaponry and magic BUT they are a dying race, this isn't their world anymore. No matter how good they are, the younger races will inherit the world they cherish. It's great.

You're right, there's a beautiful bittersweetness about them. They are "too good" for this world. Maybe they symbolize the way some people envision how the afterlife might work -- eternal youth and beauty, peaceful solitude, the chance to (eventually) know everything about everything, and a oneness with nature (or whatever amounts to nature in the afterlife).


First Post
EricNoah said:
I think it's because they have some of the best qualities of humanity without the frailties and flaws. They express our desire to live forever, constantly learning, equally happy with solitude or cheerful company.

EricNoah said:

Wow. I didn't realize you lacked genitalia. How very elf-like of you.

(What do ya think -- too over the top? Did I go too far? :\ )


Voadam said:
In 1e they had infravision, could multiclass into multiple classes simoultaneously (which allowed armored MU casting), detected secret doors automatically, had sword and bow bonuses, bonuses against goblins, surpise benefits, immunities to some things (including ghoul paralysis), lived for thousands of years and all for only a -1 to Con. They were pretty much flat out better than other people in many ways until you hit their level limits or wanted to play a human only class.
in OD&D(1974) they couldn't wear armor and cast spells.

they were either a magic user or a fighting man. while being a magic user they needed the freedom of movement armor prohibits to work their magic. they also needed to be free of the burden of too much metal. if you believe terry pratchet they couldn't be near iron. now terry wasn't part of OD&D. but i like that touch.

as a fighting man they needed to have their mind clear of all that magical hocus pocus. so they could react in battle on instincts. that magic stuff takes up too much room in the head.

i blame gary for giving the elf fanciers more stuff in 1edADnD.

Voidrunner's Codex

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