Why aren't flat chested women ever barmaids?

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IamTheTest said:
I think that fantasy barmaids are voluptuous because they are 'fantasy' barmaids. When was the last male fantasy about a stick woman?

Women from Asia tend to be slimmer & less busty than western women and there are a billion & a half people when you add China, Japan & Korea together. So, I'm assuming plenty of men have fantasized about them.

Yes, I know there are plenty of exceptions both ways

BlueBlackRed said:
For the same reason women in comic books are well endowed - men are the main creators and the main consumers.

Their are women comic book creators and artests, and they also draw women with large breasts. You need to discover more artists i think.
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Umbran said:
Nope. Not joking at all. Not a single one of those is a proper ninja - martial artists, perhaps, but not ninjas. Seems to me it is awful hard to be stealthy wearing bright red, and such.

If it ain't sneaky, it ain't a ninja.

Actually, red is hard to see in the dark. And while Hollywood would have us think that ninja always wear black, always wear masks, and always quietly slip quickly about, ninjatō at ready, that's just not very accurate.

The three examples from the previous poster were Japanese creations, and obviously don't follow the American stereotype. Though I kinda agree about the extremely top-heavy Taki. I guess it was just Namco's answer to Dead or Alive's girls. I like this pic a bit better:

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Thornir Alekeg said:
See, that makes no sense to me. If her large bosom was on her back, or perhaps less disturbing, if she carried the steins behind her back, then I would say balance has something to do with it. With everything in the front I would be curious to see how large their feet are since the barmaids don't just toppple over.

To inject a dose of realism into this thread: :D

It´s all about the back muscles. You carry Maßkrüge / steins mostly by bending back and holding yourself upright while your back muscles balance most of your weight. And nothing develops those muscles better than being well-endowed (otherwise = terrible back pain).

NewJeffCT said:
Women from Asia tend to be slimmer & less busty than western women and there are a billion & a half people when you add China, Japan & Korea together. So, I'm assuming plenty of men have fantasized about them.
In Sailor Moon cosplay outfit, yeah. :p

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