D&D 5E Why did they design Demiplane to suck?

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Why is Demiplane needed to stack spell glyphs? Or do they mean it is just safer to do so in your own private pocket dimension?

It's less a safety thing and more a portability thing.

You can reach a demiplane anywhere that:

A) Doesn't block / prevent the spell from being cast.
B) Has a flat surface (wall, floor, ceiling, etc)

Which means that any and every glyph you cast within said demiplane is a spell you can gain access to with nothing more than an action and (depending on the spell) some movement.

It's less a safety thing and more a portability thing.

You can reach a demiplane anywhere that:

A) Doesn't block / prevent the spell from being cast.
B) Has a flat surface (wall, floor, ceiling, etc)

Which means that any and every glyph you cast within said demiplane is a spell you can gain access to with nothing more than an action and (depending on the spell) some movement.

That's fine. The way it was worded earlier suggested to me that you needed Demiplane to do it, but you don't. It's just more convenient ( except for the spell slot for Demiplane ).


That's fine. The way it was worded earlier suggested to me that you needed Demiplane to do it, but you don't. It's just more convenient ( except for the spell slot for Demiplane ).

It's a bit more than convenience; with a Glyph of Warding the spell ends if the glyph is moved more than 10' from where you place it, it is dispelled. So that means that while in principle you can use it to maintain multiple concentration effects (or just "pocket" a spell to cast later), that only works if you are going to be in the same location at the time you need to use the spell, which, since the Glyph takes an hour to create, is a pretty big restriction that will usually prevent you from using the trick in combat.

But with demiplane, you can use an action and an 8th level slot to get, say, a concentration-free Globe of Invulnerability and a concentration-free Haste, say, provided you had some downtime and 200gp beforehand, allowing you to still use your concentration on, say, Animate Objects; so you have big offense and big defense at the same time.

I mean, given even a single day of downtime, sufficient gold, and access to demiplane and plane shift, you could prepare for the BBEG battle by loading up your demiplane with, by my count, after factoring in the need for plane shift to get out, and the need to upcast glyph to match the spell level you're storing, six buffs (at 20th level) ranging from 3rd to 6th level spells. So you could stack, say, Globe of Invulnerability, two conjured elementals, greater invisibility, haste, and fly, all concentration-free, and all cast with a single action and 8th level slot on the day you trigger them, and still Wish yourself a Simulacrum and cast Animate Objects, all by round 3.
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It's a bit more than convenience; with a Glyph of Warding the spell ends if the glyph is moved more than 10' from where you place it, it is dispelled. So that means that while in principle you can use it to maintain multiple concentration effects (or just "pocket" a spell to cast later), that only works if you are going to be in the same location at the time you need to use the spell, which, since the Glyph takes an hour to create, is a pretty big restriction that will usually prevent you from using the trick in combat.

But with demiplane, you can use an action and an 8th level slot to get, say, a concentration-free Globe of Invulnerability and a concentration-free Haste, say, provided you had some downtime and 200gp beforehand, allowing you to still use your concentration on, say, Animate Objects; so you have big offense and big defense at the same time.

I mean, given even a single day of downtime, sufficient gold, and access to demiplane and plane shift, you could prepare for the BBEG battle by loading up your demiplane with, by my count, after factoring in the need for plane shift to get out, and the need to upcast glyph to match the spell level you're storing, six buffs (at 20th level) ranging from 3rd to 6th level spells. So you could stack, say, Globe of Invulnerability, two conjured elementals, greater invisibility, haste, and fly, all concentration-free, and all cast with a single action and 8th level slot on the day you trigger them, and still Wish yourself a Simulacrum and cast Animate Objects, all by round 3.

If the BBEG just cast the glyphs in one hallway of his keep and walked down the hallway wouldn't he gain the same effect? Why do you need the Demiplane? You just need contiguous space to trigger the glyphs, right? ( To set them all off in the same round I mean. )


If the BBEG just cast the glyphs in one hallway of his keep and walked down the hallway wouldn't he gain the same effect? Why do you need the Demiplane? You just need contiguous space to trigger the glyphs, right? ( To set them all off in the same round I mean. )
I think the point is just that.

You're in the BBEG's hallway, not your own.

Demiplane allows you to bring your hallway to the fight.


When I think of a real demiplane, I think of Ravenloft: The Demiplane of Dread. Anything much smaller than that is a disservice to the title.

Level 9 spells are the most powerful magic that could ever possibly exist. If there has ever been any spellcaster within the entire history of the setting who has done anything useful or interesting, then a level 9 spell should be able to facilitate that. Because if they can't, then it creates a situation where NPCs are better than PCs, just because they're NPCs. And that's not cool.
I understand your point, but I don’t entirely agree with it. Just because a setting has, say, flying cities, or giant, amazingly powerful golems, it doesn’t mean there must be 9th level spell capable a replicating that accomplishment.

Great feats of arcane might can be explained, in game, as the result of great rituals, possibly lost to time, requiring dozens of powerful spellcasters, working tirelessly for years, consuming vast amounts of rare and precious components.
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Well the interior walls may be only brick or wood design, but what hinders you to port in some minions and construction material to give your interieur any design you want? No tim to analyze the spells right now, but maybe some lasting illusion could provide a more cozy feel if you insist on it?


I think the point is just that.

You're in the BBEG's hallway, not your own.

Demiplane allows you to bring your hallway to the fight.

Could you expand a bit on that? I try to write what I understood:

So you cast demiplane, then you cast some several warding glyphs inside the demiplane , and if in combat you remove them (how? with your will and telekinesis?) and put them in front of the approaching BBEG?
Is this a free action as long as you concentrate on the second demiplane spell?

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