Why do Americans pronounce centaurs "centars"???

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So, this got me thinking... Do you pronounce Alpha Centauri al-FHA kehn-TOORI? Legitimate question. Because I've always heard it as al-FAH SEHN-tah-ree in all the programs and lectures.

Okay, if we really want to get into it, why does every American I've ever met--including me--pronounce the word "comfortable" with the "t" coming before the "r?" Can someone explain that to me??
There's an R in "cumftabul"?!? Who knew?

Why do Brits pronounce advertisement as uhd-VER-tis-muhnt ? When the correct pronouncement is, AD-ver-ties-muhnt
It's just "ad". Maybe "advert" if we're feeling particularly formal or it's the queens birthday or something.

(Actually we have two pronunciations for it. Some people say ad-ver-TIES-munt but we try not to talk about them)

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