Why do Americans pronounce centaurs "centars"???

Every time I hear this (just been listening to dungeoncast episode) it drives me nuts, like fingernails on a blackboard...there is a 'u' in it, so is "Centaur" like "Dinosaur".....aargh

I dunno. Why do Brits pronounce "minotaur" with a long i? That one bugs me more than people mispronouncing "chimera" (kye-MEER-uh) with either variety of soft "ch" (I've heard my fellow Americans mispronounce it like "chimichanga", and Brits and Aussies who say it wrong give it a "shimmer").

Oh well. I accept that "grognard" has been thoroughly anglicized and, among gamers at least, the proper French pronunciation has been lost. But I'll still die on this hill: the first syllable of cognates "goblin" and "kobold" should rhyme in English ("kobold" and "cobbled" are homonyms), so if you throw KŌ-bolds at your players, you should also be siccing GŌ-blins on them! :Þ
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Every time I hear this (just been listening to dungeoncast episode) it drives me nuts, like fingernails on a blackboard...there is a 'u' in it, so is "Centaur" like "Dinosaur".....aargh
Yes, all Americans, from coast to coast, pronounce things exactly the same.

FWIW, I pronounce "centaur" and "dinosaur" to rhyme. I also pronounce "sauna" as it's spelled, and not as if it were spelled "sana" (which means "word" in Finnish), and definitely not as "swana"—both of which drive me nuts, like fingernails on a blackboard.

Your school taught you about centaurs?!?! Mine just taught me a bunch of stuff about poetry and geometry that I'm never going to use again.
I had to take a semester of Mythology in high school Freshman English. IDR but pretty sure a Centaur or two showed up. I'd say the better portion of my academic career was worthless. I remember taking subjects in grammar school, retaking the same material in high school and then retaking it yet again in college. Talking about a waste of time and money. But hey, I can pronounce Centaur so I got that going for me.

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