Jack Daniel
Every time I hear this (just been listening to dungeoncast episode) it drives me nuts, like fingernails on a blackboard...there is a 'u' in it, so is "Centaur" like "Dinosaur".....aargh
I dunno. Why do Brits pronounce "minotaur" with a long i? That one bugs me more than people mispronouncing "chimera" (kye-MEER-uh) with either variety of soft "ch" (I've heard my fellow Americans mispronounce it like "chimichanga", and Brits and Aussies who say it wrong give it a "shimmer").
Oh well. I accept that "grognard" has been thoroughly anglicized and, among gamers at least, the proper French pronunciation has been lost. But I'll still die on this hill: the first syllable of cognates "goblin" and "kobold" should rhyme in English ("kobold" and "cobbled" are homonyms), so if you throw KŌ-bolds at your players, you should also be siccing GŌ-blins on them! :Þ
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