I agree, though "tradition" means that's not a change we're ever likely to see. Charm Person has always been a mind manipulation spell so it's not going to change.I personally agree with my #1-- the go-to enchantment spell (particularly player-accessible one) should be a 'make me a better talker' spell. If you want to go full-bore puppetmaster (and deal with the ramifications thereof), it should really be a concerted and deliberate character arc choice, not something your Level one wizard picks up because it might be useful.
When the villains in the game were treated as playing pieces charm person was just a spell to turn a threat into an ally. As roleplaying has changed towards thinking more about the other characters - even the monsters - as actual characters like your own character, and as players have invested more into their characters as people rather than just extensions of themselves into a game world, the ramifications of Charm Person just get worse and worse.