D&D Movie/TV Why is the media overstating how controversial the Druid's Owlbear shape is?

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On the other hand, critics argue that shape changing can have harmful effects on both the druid and the animal they are transforming into. They say it can lead to psychological and physical harm

Yeah, Mr. Ed's reputation was never the same after Barleycorn the Wise wildshaped into him while singing his theme song at karaoke night, then went on a drunken rampage and knocked up the local Lord's prized mare...


Yeah, Mr. Ed's reputation was never the same after Barleycorn the Wise wildshaped into him while singing his theme song at karaoke night, then went on a drunken rampage and knocked up the local Lord's prized mare...
Knocking up the prize mare is Loki's schtick, where do you think Odin's steed Sleipnir came from? You trying to steal his thunder? Because stealing stuff is also his thing. ;)


"We are continuing to do a stupid thing because it's traditional" is not a defense.
I don't have a problem with Druids shapechanging into them at an appropriate level, but to me they make more sense as a monstrosity, especially because they are a mix between a bird and a mammal, that is not a normal animal or natural. So I think of them like a Monstosity, kind of like a Peryton (sp) wholly unatural even though they live like animals.


Not always, Tressyms aren't, they are beasts despite being cats with bird wings and true sight to boot and intelligent as well. I think Chimeric crestures that mostly function as beasts, and not weird should be beasts, monstrosity should be reserved not simply for strange animal hybrids, but true weird things with strange abilities and behaviors. Owlbear are basically just bears with a beak and fit into nature as well as regular animals, they aren't disruptive to nature,they fit in it now.

I think Tressyms would make more sense as monstrosities.

WRT Owlbears, they are not natural. The MM says Owlbears are the result of magical experimentation gone awry, which does not make sense for a natural animal. Not to say they can't change that fiction behind that, but as it is now I think Monstrosity is much more appropriate because they are magical and not natural.


So much of gaming journalism these days is just drama mongering clickbait, often just "X slams Y for Z" with a bunch of reactions from twitter, even on some of the more reputable sites.

Voidrunner's Codex

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