D&D Movie/TV Why is the media overstating how controversial the Druid's Owlbear shape is?

Lke seriously when the first trailer came out folks pointed out that with PHB rules Druids can't wildshape into Owlbears, others pointed out that WotC will likely solve this by making Owbears beasts in the future and/or an Owlbear subclass for Druids or even just point to the optional Druid rules in Tasha's, and then no one was bothered (even saying bothered is an overstatement, it was more like it was noticed then anyone really got angry about it).

Yet we are still getting articles on this as if fans really care that much about it.

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Yet we are still getting articles on this as if fans really care that much about it.
Can you point to any sites? I thought that had died down right after the initial trailer came out. I'm not even seeing the clickbaity headlines.

But also I have a whole lot of sites blocked on Google News because they're just content mills grinding out clickbait headlines and cranked out text to try to get ad clicks. So I might not be seeing a lot of them now.

Though if this story is coming back up again on legit geek news sites then it's probably a sign that Paramount's marketing folks are trying to do whatever they can to get people talking about the movie. Getting folks to argue on twitter about a movie is actually considered to be a good thing by movie marketers - it's much better than people not talking about it at all.


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
I never understand half the "controversy" on the Internet these days. From what I can tell, it's usually just one person yelling about something on Twitter and insisting everyone else needs to start yelling about it also. If they can convince enough people to yell about it at the same time, it'll catch the attention of a scraper bot and a content farm will write about how "everyone" is yelling about it.

Tempest in a teapot, if you ask me. If the druid wants to Wildshape into an owlbear (or an ankheg, grick, displacer beast, or whatever) it's between them and their Dungeon Master. It always has been.
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Lke seriously when the first trailer came out folks pointed out that with PHB rules Druids can't wildshape into Owlbears, others pointed out that WotC will likely solve this by making Owbears beasts in the future and/or an Owlbear subclass for Druids or even just point to the optional Druid rules in Tasha's, and then no one was bothered (even saying bothered is an overstatement, it was more like it was noticed then anyone really got angry about it).

Yet we are still getting articles on this as if fans really care that much about it.
it's called 'generating engagement'.
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