Wil Wheaton Sues Geek & Sundry Over Titansgrave

Titansgrave: The Ashes of Valkana was a web series produced by Geek & Sundry and Wil Wheaton; it later became a Fantasy AGE campaign setting from Green Ronin. Wheaton is suing Geek & Sundry over his share of the profits from that web series, and has filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court.

Titansgrave: The Ashes of Valkana was a web series produced by Geek & Sundry and Wil Wheaton; it later became a Fantasy AGE campaign setting from Green Ronin. Wheaton is suing Geek & Sundry over his share of the profits from that web series, and has filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court.


Hollywood Reporter has more information. Apparently the agreement was that Wheaton be paid $50,000 plus 50% of the series' net profit. He is seeking $100,000 in damages and asking that an audit take place.

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Hollywood Reporter has more information. Apparently the agreement was that Wheaton be paid $50,000 plus 50% of the series' net profit. He is seeking $100,000 in damages and asking that an audit take place.

Well, I for one hope he wins whatever it is he deserves/agreed to. I only bought Titansgrave because of that series. It looked interesting enough, and I like the AGE system. A bit dissapointed in the actual Titansgrave book itself (too much "adventure" and not enough info for a Campaign setting...but better than nothing I guess).

I may not agree with a lot of Will's current opinions and whatnot, but I do like him as an actor and gamer...and I hate seeing any gamer get screwed by some company or 'fine print'. Hope he gets what he's due. :)


Paul L. Ming


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
Same here. Wil's always been a stand-up guy, as far as I can tell. The big news lately is that he left Twitter because he disagreed with their policies. (shrug)


I follow him on his blog and I don't think I'm too far off in thinking that he is a far left progressive. So the more you begin moving centrally and then further right, the less you probably go along with what he believes (and his language regarding people further right are not exactly friendly, which I'm sure is off-putting as well.)

He's also been quite frank about living and dealing with his extremely severe Depression, so your personal thoughts and beliefs on mental illness might also align or misalign you to him.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
I generally follow him too, and maybe I'm naive but I think "far left" is a bit of a stretch. His language for those he disagrees with is... definitely colorful though (one might even say Kluwe-esque) which is why he is not always endearing to some. I'd be somewhat shocked, in this day and age, that his openness in speaking about mental illness would earn him ire as well, but then given the trash fire that we currently live in, should I really be that surprised?

That said, I very much enjoyed the Titansgrave series until the "Wil reads his fan fiction to the players" episode, and there's a lot to like about Fantasy AGE in general. I mourn the loss of quality G&S content daily.


I generally follow him too, and maybe I'm naive but I think "far left" is a bit of a stretch. His language for those he disagrees with is... definitely colorful though (one might even say Kluwe-esque) which is why he is not always endearing to some. I'd be somewhat shocked, in this day and age, that his openness in speaking about mental illness would earn him ire as well, but then given the trash fire that we currently live in, should I really be that surprised?

Yeah, I have no idea what may or may not be an issue for people, so I was just guesstimating based on stuff he's talked about on his blog-- politics, mental health, his acting career etc. I have no idea what issues any person might personally have with him.

All I do know is that I for one would love to see more episodes of Tabletop. I firmly believe that the same way Critical Role led the way in mainstreaming D&D, Tabletop did it for the board game industry. The Diana Jones Award they got was greatly deserved.

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