Wil Wheaton Sues Geek & Sundry Over Titansgrave

Titansgrave: The Ashes of Valkana was a web series produced by Geek & Sundry and Wil Wheaton; it later became a Fantasy AGE campaign setting from Green Ronin. Wheaton is suing Geek & Sundry over his share of the profits from that web series, and has filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court.


Hollywood Reporter has more information. Apparently the agreement was that Wheaton be paid $50,000 plus 50% of the series' net profit. He is seeking $100,000 in damages and asking that an audit take place.

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Oh absolutely. There are a bunch of board games I would never own if I didn't see them first on TableTop. It still floored me the first time I saw stuff like Pandemic or Dixit in a freaking Target (with a sign saying "As Seen on YouTube's TableTop!", no less)

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I wish he could sue them and get TableTop back. I miss that show.

Anyway, if G&S is in violation of their agreement I hope he takes them to the cleaners.


I'm with you all on the missing of TableTop. Great little series that let me see a variety of games I would never see otherwise (where I live, lets just say I could count the number of "game stores" on my fingers and have 9 left over). The closest game store after that is about, oh, 1600km away...and I don't envy driving 20 hours to go peruse the latest TT games.


Paul L. Ming


I'm with you all on the missing of TableTop. Great little series that let me see a variety of games I would never see otherwise (where I live, lets just say I could count the number of "game stores" on my fingers and have 9 left over). The closest game store after that is about, oh, 1600km away...and I don't envy driving 20 hours to go peruse the latest TT games.


Paul L. Ming

I'm on the other end of the spectrum. I'm spoiled for options. So I loved to see the ones he chose and found enjoyable.

In particular the ones he played with his wife and kids. Without the veil of charismatic actors, I could get a better idea if the game was fun.

But I must admit seeing them played by actors/celebrities was a big part of the enjoyment and a big reason I prefer TableTop to Game the Game.

I don't think anybody would be surprised if there was some voodoo accounting involved in this. I know Hollywood money is powerful, but I'm still surprised they continue to get away with playing with numbers the way they do.

[...] but I'm still surprised they continue to get away with playing with numbers the way they do.
The issue is one of recoverability.
If you get an order for forensic accounting to be going through it, usually, the losing side pays. So, unless you have the cash to afford to pay...
... it becomes a strong disincentive to sue.

Well, I for one hope he wins whatever it is he deserves/agreed to. I only bought Titansgrave because of that series. It looked interesting enough, and I like the AGE system. A bit dissapointed in the actual Titansgrave book itself (too much "adventure" and not enough info for a Campaign setting...but better than nothing I guess).
We were suppose to get a season 2 (probably never happening) and a World of Valkana (we have a better chance of seeing this but not likely). I'm wondering if his deal with Geek and Sundry is what was/is preventing those books from releasing.

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