Will's AD&D 2nd Edition - Who knows where it will go!


the magical equivalent to the number zero
"But Jhary," says Aego smoothly, "You have not introduced your friend! Who is that tiny mouse that accompanies you? Save some of that food for the rodent!"

The elf smiles warmly at Jhary, his eyes imploring the halfling to tell him more about himself and the mouse, while barely looking at the animal.

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"Oh! Heehee..." Jhary grinned, patting the mouse gently on tiny head. "This is Kitty... he's been with me through everything..."

The halfling inhaled deeply then paused.

Don't tell them about all the robbing... Maybe don't mention the scheming and scamming...

"Although I can barely remember me Ma and Pa...I do have this one dream...a reoccuring one at that...

He kept chewing and talking.

"Pa had made some devils...or maybe demons...angry...real angry...Ma couldn't have that... she was crying...I think something really, really BAD happened...Last thing I remember Pa saying...

The small, hairy guy had a tear in his eye.

"Don't worry 'bout US son... I'll always be by your side..."

Jhary made a clenching motion with a hand held over his heart. He was in full dramatic mode.

After a moment, he paused and looked around. His bushy eyebrows furrowed and he glanced down at the mouse.

"Anyway, I apologise for the tangent... Not sure why my mind was wandering that way..."

Jhary stuffed a few hard-boiled eggs and crusts of bread into his pockets as he stood up.

"I'm ready when you fine citizens are ready. Although I'll confess a personal curiosity toward the strange, exotic steaks being served next door..."

Jhary patted his belly then his mouse.



the magical equivalent to the number zero
Aego smiles at both Jhary and the mouse, a cold edge to the expression.

"Nice to meet you, Kitty. My name is Aego Aenovindë," the elf says formally. "I am a wizard. I bet we're going to have a wonderful time getting into trouble together... And out of it, of course!"

The elf looks at the others with glee.

"Do you guys think we should do the initiation right here, or once we are on the road? Personally I think on the road is better, but we're a team now, so I would like all of your opinions..."

The others know that there is no initiation, but Jhary probably doesn't.

"I don't think we should sidetrack about those mystery meats. Maybe on the way back perhaps," Dorana says. "The wizard's home is our current business."

To Aego, she adds, "Definitely on the road. Wouldn't want others being aware of the initiation process, would we?"


Jhary looked between Jorana and Aego, then back down at the mouse.

He made a loud gulping noise.

Just keep cool, Jhary, this initiation business couldn't be THAT bad...

William Smith1

Jhary realizes that there will be no Second Breakfasts nor Elevensies for quite some time.

Frat says, "Well folks you best be on your way. Not quite two days travel to Bobby's place. Take care on the road, keep a good fire at night, and guard your camp well, there be many things out there that you do not wish to meet." As you leave the Battleaxe you notice there is no line at Luby's and there is a sign on the door that states: NO STEAKS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE! The streets of the village are mostly deserted.

You travel for most of the day to the east along the caravan road. The map indicates a lesser traveled path slightly to the northeast that leads to Bobby's place. That path heads toward a lightly forested area. After moving on that road for another hour you see that the sun is starting to set and you realize that you should be looking for a place to camp for the night. As you survey the area near the path you see what looks to be an elf lying face down in some underbrush. His clothing is ripped but strangely it seems to have been ripped from the inside out and he has no visible wounds. He is breathing but is unconscious.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Aego moves up to the elf, assessing the situation.

Does the stranger breathe? Yes, check.
Is he conscious? No; let's not wake him until further examination.
Does he appear too cold or too hot? Not really, but his clothing is ripped so covering him up may be a good idea.
What does his clothing look like? Torn, apparently from the inside out. What does that mean?

To the others, Aego seems to be muttering to himself while doing his inspection.


There it is! The sob story and next comes the plee for coins or help... Clalick thinks to himself as he pulls out his spell book and buries his head in it to study, and avoid the plea he is sure is coming.

"Yes definitely on the road." He answers without looking up from his book. No hint of deception on his face at all.

Clalick is to preoccupied trying to figure out what this newcomers scam is to give the sign he reads a second thought. He is friendly while they travel but makes sure to keep an eye on his things when ever Jhary is near.

When they come to the Elf he moves closer to Jhary and lets Aego investigate.

"Be careful. This could be a trap."


All along the road the hobbit's tummy growled.

Back to the usual belly-aches now...

He tried to ignore the gnome's suspicious stares and keep smiling.

Jhary, with mouse still in pocket, crept up next to Aego and the flattened elf. The little guy was unusually quick and quiet until he shouted: "Oi there! You alright, sir? We've come across you, it seems, in distress! May we be of assistance, goodly elf?"

O Connah screamed his fool head off, red in the face, as if the fallen fellow were extremely hard of hearing.

He took out his hanky and started to fan the gentleman with the ripped clothing, offering water and a bit of biscuit.

The little mouse watched with interest from the security of Jhary's shirt.

Dorana sees the others checking out the elf so she steps back and looks at the surroundings, looking for telltale signs of an ambush. "All this open space. The world needs more cavern roofs."

Voidrunner's Codex

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