WotC With 5E now under Community Commons, WotC is now "just" another 5E publisher -- here's how they can still dominate


Book-Friend, he/him
Paizo has an in house CPA making only 50K? Um, they must love their job because they could be making way more money working for themselves. I am not sure the an employee's pay has anything to do with the gross revenue of the D&D brand.
The leaks about Paizo employment last year were pretty dire.

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Book-Friend, he/him
I haven’t signed back up. Probably won’t.
"That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die." Never say never. I won't, because I don't like digital tools for an analog hobby, but they may come up with something that gets me eventually.


I crit!
"That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die." Never say never. I won't, because I don't like digital tools for an analog hobby, but they may come up with something that gets me eventually.
Eh. I’m not buying anymore books and a 3D vtt isn’t a want.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I think that the brand is the value. They can -- and have -- completely change the rules and still be on top. 5E isn't magical. It's rules aren't why it is popular. 5E happened at the time that the nostalgia tsunami lifted D&D out of nerd obscurity.
The rules aren’t all of why, but it’s complete nonsense to pretend they aren’t part of it.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
VTT isn't a want for me either, right now, but who knows what will come up in time.
Tbh if I can do cool stuff in it with customizable environments to show my players while we play, I’ll probably dive into it.

But the user friendliness they’d need to achieve to get me wanting to run my game in any vtt is pretty high. Like, no existing vtt has done it, so far.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Using the 5E warlock as the base it would be kinda trivial to rebuild something legally distinct but recognizable as the AEDU power set up.
Absolutely. Especially if you reword “encounter” stuff to “with a 1 minute ritual that can be undertaken as part of a short rest”.

I’d keep invocations as well, giving each class a feel similar to taking class feats at most of your feat levels in 4e.

Honestly with that and more tactical monsters, you’re most of the to a 5.1 CC 4e clone.

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