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Wizard Specialization [Rant]

Dark Magus

First Post
Ah, the blessings of the revisions, handed down by the Gods of the Coast. It seems the prayers and animal sacrifices of min-maxing Wizards have been answered. Shout it from the mountain tops...

"No longer shall we be forced to make sacrifices to have our extra Evocation spells, no shall we lose the ability to Conjure magic beings to do our biding, nor fail to fly. For our gods have decreed that ONLY the weaker schools shall be made to suffer from hence forth, no longer shall we fear the Shadow Adepts of the world!!!, we we solely have the powers of the Evocation, and the Transmutation!!!"

This is a glimpse of the future of Specialization, under the new specialization rules, the weaker Arcane schools are being crushed under the powerful fist of Evocation and Transmutation, because anyone wanting to specialize in Enchantment, Illusion, or Necromancy must take the other two Shadow schools as prohibited schools just to continue to be effective, let alone survive at lower levels. It seems that in the much needed attempt to "fix" Wizards and Sorcerers, and balance the playing field via the melee class boosts, the Design team was too caught up in everything else to pay attention the the often times overlooked Specialized Wizards. Somewhere along the road, Necromancy and Illusion became just as powerful as Evocation and Transmutation.

If your one of the few such as myself who enjoy's focusing directly on one of the shadow schools, and heavily focusing on the other two shadow schools, then you'll be glad to know that our beloved archtype is barely playable under the tyranny of 3.5, whereas any "wet-behind the ear" munchkin can choose to specialize in Evocation and only suffer the minimal loss of Illusion and Necromancy, the two weakest schools, next only to Divination, we have to choose from Abjuration, Conjuration, Evocation, or Transmutation. Now, I FAIL to see how this is "balanced". If we choose Abjuration, were as good as dead. If we choose Conjuration, we lose low level survivability, and high level necesities. If we choose Evocation, we can easily get by with Illusion and Necromancy for damage support, no BIG loss. And lastly Transmutation, perhaps the most survival oriented School of all.

Should not Divination be an option for the weaker schools to take? Divination is one of the most useful schools in its own right, but still, mechanics-wise, the weakest school. So, where on the "seasaw of power" would choosing a weak school (Divination) and a powerful school (evocation) to specialize in one of the middle schools (Illusion) be located? Not on the powerful end with Evokers and Transmuters thats for sure.

I think its a shame that Specialization is cattered towards the munchkins and power gamers of the gaming world, and that "concept mages" are left with the scraps (so to speak). The world of Faerun will take the biggest hit, while I may be slightly bias on the subject, I just can't see how anyone can justify punishing the fans of "concept casting" for not choosing the most powerful schools to specialize in. I think this is BS, and seriously makes me disgusted. I realize that by specializing in a weaker school that I'm willingfully making myself more vulnerable in the longrun, but atleast under the old rules, we had a chance in hell.

If this is how they "fix" something, I'd hate to see them break somthing...


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Eternal Optimist
Last time I checked, a lot of spells got shuffled from school to school in 3E. Necromancy is now quite strong, likewise many other schools.

The intended result of this was to make all schools nearly equivalent in power, with the exception of Divination.

As a result, 2 barred schools to specialists, regardless of which school is specialised within. Diviniation is the exception, it's weaker, it only need bar one school.



I like the new system. It's fairer, less complicated.

I've never played anything but a transmuter tho (but I happily gave up conjuration under the old rules).

Specialisation is supposed to eb about give and take. Now that the schools are more balanced, it's a fairer process.

Dark Magus

First Post
Specialisation is supposed to eb about give and take. Now that the schools are more balanced, it's a fairer process.

I understand this, but where a Necromancer would lose Conjuration and Evocation, and lose the newly move Conjuration Utility spells. An Evoker would lose Illusion and Necromancy, not a bit lost here.

Dark Magus

First Post
Necromancy got quite a few nice spells, some nice new spells as well.

I took this into account, whereas Necromancy used to be closley tied w/ Divination for weakest school, but now is (IMO) middle powered, better yes, but nowhere on par with Conjuration, Evocation, or Transmutation.

Like I said, I'm a little bias on this subject, I love Shadow Adepts, and under the new rules, they're close to unplayable.


WotC's bitch
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce iaculis tempor neque. Duis ac justo vel risus lobortis elementum. Ut vulputate neque sed eros. Nulla sit amet elit. Praesent et elit. Sed eu orci. In vehicula lacus eget tellus. Maecenas at felis quis neque vestibulum bibendum. Nunc vitae nisl at lorem adipiscing luctus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec pellentesque. In nulla tortor, pellentesque a, cursus eget, ultricies a, tortor.

Proin ligula wisi, porta in, aliquam at, sollicitudin nec, est. Nulla egestas, diam eget ultricies mollis, ante orci tincidunt pede, sed eleifend ante arcu id quam. Maecenas a mauris a ipsum accumsan rhoncus. Cras eget urna. Nulla id lacus quis ante fermentum varius. Ut scelerisque ipsum eu nibh. Duis commodo. Vivamus vulputate eros sit amet enim. Mauris convallis. Pellentesque mauris neque, interdum eget, ullamcorper quis, sagittis a, libero.

Aenean at lorem lacinia metus vestibulum pharetra. Nulla bibendum odio sed ipsum. Ut neque ligula, vestibulum non, accumsan sit amet, vulputate quis, urna. Aenean nec lorem. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Cras nibh. Curabitur sollicitudin. Cras laoreet, lorem et bibendum mollis, mi dolor varius nisl, sit amet scelerisque nisl dui at mauris. Curabitur pellentesque. Ut feugiat arcu eu ligula. Donec nibh magna, volutpat nec, imperdiet nec, viverra congue, lorem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce vestibulum vulputate sem. Maecenas id augue eget est pharetra viverra. Nam dapibus mollis enim. Integer viverra sapien ac mi. Cras at urna quis ligula nonummy fringilla. Nullam odio est, dictum et, aliquam sed, imperdiet eget, nibh. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;

Sed sit amet dolor. In ultricies. Nullam quis mi quis diam varius ultricies. Mauris ac ante id lacus posuere iaculis. Aliquam et turpis in ipsum rutrum ornare. Vestibulum in magna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. In vel dolor. Maecenas pede wisi, auctor aliquet, aliquam in, fermentum quis, dui. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In at sem sed leo tincidunt egestas. Nam fringilla nibh eget wisi. Nulla facilisi. Aenean mattis, elit ac bibendum dictum, dolor arcu laoreet risus, in consequat eros wisi ac ligula. Donec sit amet libero. Sed sit amet dolor. Cras suscipit, sapien a scelerisque cursus, nibh wisi varius magna, in aliquet eros nibh sed lorem. Quisque aliquet tempus est.


First Post
hong said:

<snip quote>
Sed sit amet dolor. Cras suscipit, sapien a scelerisque cursus, nibh wisi varius magna, in aliquet eros nibh sed lorem. Quisque aliquet tempus est.

Please get it right, Hong - it's Crass with 2 "s" at the end.:cool:

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