D&D 5E Wonders of the Multiverse survey is up

I don't think multiple prof per uses is that bad, since you're probably going to have on character sheets something like this, even if you have to draw it by hand, fill in something on the Power column, tick an X off with pencil when you use one of the things.

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One thing I realized when re-reviewing the material - the new backgrounds feel more like fluff to help narratively justify the inclusion of the feat, instead of a character element unto themselves. One wonders how this might affect 2024's more generic backgrounds.


I don't think multiple prof per uses is that bad, since you're probably going to have on character sheets something like this, even if you have to draw it by hand, fill in something on the Power column, tick an X off with pencil when you use one of the things.
Your table seems ... inevitable.

But clearly shows how complex the tracking actually is.


My overall impression of this UA is it looks like themes that are fun.

Some stuff is great.

Unfortunately, many options are unsatisfying, because of being mechanically subpar, having slightly off flavor, "ok yeah but unexciting", or even WTF (Scion of Outer Planes).

Some technical jargon seemed to need clarification.


Regarding technical terms.

Force damage. Force is "pure magical energy". Like gravity, it is immaterial but physical.

But the UA used it to mean, an astral realm of pure thought, where psychic damage feels more appropriate. Likewise, a stone giant punching someone was construed as if force damage. Punching someone isnt force damage or else any weapon ever deals force damage.

Where a conjuration is made out of magical energy and can even be identical to a "force construct", a conjuration dealing force damage is fine. Getting crushed by gravity in a Black Hole is force damage.

And what "necrotic" damage in the astral plane? People cant get hungry or age! A realm of thought. In this plane of being the damage type is at best peripheral.

And why would being Good mean burning people alive with Sacred Flame? That isnt really what Good means.

This stuff is technical but kinda matters, to keep concepts clear.


An "Undead" is defined as a "once-living creature", in the MM.

But the UA spell Reaper Spirit used the term to mean "death itself". In other words something that has never been a living creature, but apparently is native to the Shadowfell.

So, is Undead actually a planar origin, and not really a creature type per se? If so, the MM needs an update to change its technical definition.

Should we be using the term "Undead" to mean in shadowfell or from shadowfell?

Is the Reaper Spirit actually an Undead Construct?

The jargon needs vetting to avoid inconsistencies or clarify inconsistencies.


Feat prereqs.

Feats having level prereqs because they are more powerful than other feats: great!

Prereqs for balance is important.

But there is no reason for any other kind of prereq.

The whole point of feats is to customize ones own character concept. Players need to freely choose whatever feat they like and is relevant to their character.

Any gating that prevents customization is counterproductive.


I don't think multiple prof per uses is that bad, since you're probably going to have on character sheets something like this, even if you have to draw it by hand, fill in something on the Power column, tick an X off with pencil when you use one of the things.
I draw little squares on my character sheet next to my feature/trait/feat/etc. to check them with a lead pencil when I use the power. It does the job nicely.

Voidrunner's Codex

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