D&D General Woo-Hoo! Heading back to playing D&D in person soon! (for the first time since February 2020)!

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Mod Squad
Staff member
@el-remmen He said his kid ISN'T 16 yet.

The vaccines have not been approved for use in people under 16, though they are in trials. I think Pfizer has submitted for expansion of their Emergency Use Authorization for 12 to 16 year olds, but that has not yet been finalized.


I suspect high school age will have options going back to school in September, but my middle school aged kid may have to wait longer.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I suspect high school age will have options going back to school in September, but my middle school aged kid may have to wait longer.
They don't have a ton of time for either of them, unless they go with the Johnson & Johnson, since it takes weeks to complete the vaccination process and school in large parts of the United States begins the first week of August.

I'd bet on high schoolers having it in their arms soon after school starts and elementary students getting it in early in 2022.


Moderator Emeritus
@el-remmen He said his kid ISN'T 16 yet.

The vaccines have not been approved for use in people under 16, though they are in trials. I think Pfizer has submitted for expansion of their Emergency Use Authorization for 12 to 16 year olds, but that has not yet been finalized.

Yes. It seemed to me that you were the one not getting that, thus my post. I must have been wrong. 🤷‍♂️
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A number of us in my groups have been fully vaccinated for nearly a month. We still have no plans to get together regularly. I think we probably won't. It's just too inconvenient and we've learned to accept VTT as a better option for all our groups.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
With busy adult schedules, VTT is a really good choice, even post-pandemic. One of the guys I've started playing with during the pandemic lives two hours away. Even if the rest of us are around a table in the near future, him continuing to dial in makes a ton of sense.


Moderator Emeritus
I do appreciate that playing remotely allowed me to start up and continue a game with friends around the country, but I think I'll always need a local in-person game with friends to be satisfied with my gaming.


My next session is either 5/8 or 5/15 (depending on availability). Everyone has their shots, so we’ll be meeting in person for the first time in over a year. I think only one person likes the VTT experience. I, personally, dislike it greatly. It will be great being back in person. I backed the Level Up on Kickstarter, and it’s just been sitting there in my closet waiting to be used. Looking forward to giving that a try too!

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