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[WoT Adventure] Turn 1


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Hmph. A lot of good that did. Blood and Ashes, this is ridiculous. Now they've all run off.

Sirsei stands, pulling a handkerchief from her sleeve and dabbing at her eyes to dry them. She dust off her skirts and in a moment, she's apparently regained her composure. She looks about for the innkeeper, intent on doing a little damage control, if it is at all possible.

She clears her throat before she speaks, "Has someone summoned the guard? I expect they'll want to see this corpse. No one should touch it, especially the blade. Does anyone know what was in the shed that they could have stolen? It might be important to know what was in their sack. Is anyone missing any valuables?"

I can't think of what valuables trollocs would want to steal, but if they are working for darkfriends within the city, that might explain their presence.

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First Post
<It seems like I slightly misread the Trolloc tactics from the adventure, so I'm going to have to mildly rework things for a hot pursuit of the fleeing trollocs. But I've got a D&D game to get to tonight, so that won't be until tommorow. Sorry.>

[ ooc: being that it is in the main rule book, many of us could have read it. I personnaly read the first text box for players and the first page. So if making changes is nessasary go to town, your the DM it's your game to run. Has anyone else read any of the adventure? It may impact any decisions Dave has to make.]

OOC: No prepackaged adventure survives a group of roleplayers. The characters themselves change it. Another group of characters might have ran from the trollocs, or maybe not have chased them.
I ran this adventure twice and in neither case did the groups do the same thing. Despite all attempts to maintain integrity to the story the players find a way to change it, One group killed Fain, collapsed a building on him. The other refused to fight the trollocs, both knocked the adventure hugely out of whack, invalidating everything after the first and second scene, there is a certain amount of neccesary improvization.
I do not think the mass marketed adventures have ever survived meeting players, they are inherently changed and will never play out the same. Think of it this way, if you do what your character would do in the situation there is know problem because your character only knows what they can see, hear, or know from their knowledge skills.


Yuri has emerged from the other side of the shed into the alley, looking for more Trollocs with his keen eyes.

Light! That was easier than when I was fifteen! If I ever see Hammar again, I'll have to thank him--assuming he doesn't punch my nose for leaving the training, that is. Still, I have a lot left to learn.

Yuri doesn't bother turn his gaze from his search when Ashrem asks his question, but he says:

"Yes Ashrem, that was a Trolloc. They really do exist--we Borderlanders haven't been making all that up just to impress you foolish people from the South. By the way, Myrddraal exist too, just so you know."

The Kandori shakes his head slightly, and would've rolled his eyes if they weren't busy.

Are all southlanders really that stupid? Light! if the Blight let up on any of the four Borderlands, our forces would become so agitated that we'd almost have to turn them upon a southern nation, just to keep them busy! Yuri then smiles slightly, at the thought of Kandor marching all the way down to Amadicia, and overrunning the Whitecloak fortress in Amador.

[ooc: Obviously you know I've run this adventure too, if you've read my story hour. Remarkably, my player's stuck to the plan. Go figure.]
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Ashrem Bayle

On the Hunt - or - The Offended Ebou Dari

Ashrem stared hard at the borderlanders back. "Foolish?...given the circumstances, I'll assume you are too afraid to realize your insult and let it pass. I’ll not make that assumption again.”, he sneered quietly. [OOC: Intimidation – sorry Enforcer, he is from Ebou Dar you know :) ]

His own fear momentarily forgotten he touched the hilt of his sword. He thinks I am foolish for not spending my life freezing in the north. Only a fool lets his tongue get away with him so. I suppose I should expect little in the way of civility from a Kandori. Still. Myrdraal were real? Ashrem swallowed hard at the thought of facing the ten foot tall fire breathing monsters that had killed his brother. [ :eek: ;) ]

Taking his mind off of Yuri, Ash peered into the darkness. “Come on. No point stopping now.”, he said as he began to creep forward. He raised an arm to motion the others to follow.;
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First Post
Noble Leadings...

"Oh do stop, the both of you." Lord Tomas says imperiously. "You're letting the...trollocs get away." They are both fools, taking time to squabble over who has the biggest sword, so to speak, when there are legendary creatures wreaking havok on common folk.

[OOC: I've read the first few sections of the end adventure...and the last bit. But most of it I haven't read. But as an experience RP'er, I'll just go by what my character knows.]

Still running to catch up to Yuri and Jain, Shalimar does not quite see the dip in the path. Off balanced by the dip she falls to her knees and stops when she hits something hard in the pathway, something that the darkness seemed to increase in size. Whatever it was looked big enough to be a trolloc, at least when looking up from your knees.
"Yuri. Yuri, where are?" she says with a touch of fright in her voice.
Her eyes wide she looks up and sees that despite the ungainlyness of her following she has finally Caught up with Yuri, and at least two of the men he was gambling, the handsome Tairen lord and the man with the odd sword. It was hard to make out in the darkness if there were any more people around, the light is very faint and shadows are indestinct.

Ashrem Bayle

Ashrem meets Shalimar

Hearing footsteps closing quickly behind him, Ashrem spun, whipped his coat back, and drew his blade. His snear became a grin as he saw what, or more accurately, whom it was. The pretty girl from the inn. She has a great deal of courage to come running after us like this. Strong women are a rare find so far from home.

Wiping the grin from his face, so as to show no disrespect, he quickly sheathed his blade and reached to give the young lady a hand. "M'lady, it is dangerous to be out tonight. If you simply must hunt the night looking for trollocs, perhaps you would let me escort you. Though I must admit, I may only slow you down." The last he finished with his most charming grin and swept a slight bow. "My name is Ashrem Bayle.", he whispered.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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