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WoT Message Board Game - Prologue


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-- I'm starting off with a few short sequences for small groups of players. This one is for Sirsei de Bhal and Shalimar Shiawase. I'll post something for the other groups tommorow. --

The pair of Accepted had packed their things for a journey. They knew each other well enough; for a little over three years they had been outdoing all the other Novices, and for the past few months that had been working on accomplishing the same with the other Accepted. They had done well, so far. Well enough that Sheriam was allowing them to take a short trip off the island, even if they had to have an Aes Sedai escort.

They knew Lila Sedai well enough. She was a tall Tar Valoner woman, young and pretty -- it was rude to speak of age among Aes Sedai, but most Accepted were older than her. Two years ago, she had been one of the Accepted teaching them as novices -- and one of the better teachers. But as far as they knew, she had disappeared into the Tower Library upon earning her Brown shawl.

"You two do have everything ready, correct?" Lila Sedai asked one last time. She seemed a bit nervous for some reason, but neither of the Accepted were about to question her on it. They nodded. "Yes, Lila Sedai."

And so it wasn't long after that their things were loaded onto the _Blue Crane_. And then they saw something that shocked all the passengers, and the two Accepted, but not most of the crew. The captain, a middle-aged Tar Valoner named Chin Ellisor, ran up and hugged the Aes Sedai. At least, it was shocking until they noticed the family resemblence, and remembered that Aes Sedai had families, too. Even the Accepted has trouble remembering that, at least inside the Tower.

"So how's my favorite niece?" Captain Ellisor asked her after letting go. "I haven't seen much of you in the last few years. I thought that they'd let you out of the Tower now."

"It's not that simple." She told the captain. "But between here and Aringail, you can tell me how you and father are doing, and I'll explain a bit. The Amyrlin did pay going rates for our cabins, I hope?"

"Of course. We'll be underway in a minute."

A crewman showed the two Accepted to their cabins; they were sharing, while the Aes Sedai had her own next door. And so while Lila Sedai was on deck talking with her uncle, the Accepted found themselves alone for the first time.

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Shalimar nods towards Sirsei, "Did you notice Lila Sedai being nervous as well? I thought you might have. I am not quite sure why she would be nervous, she is an Aes Sedai after all. Maybe there is a false Dragon." She says as her eyes widen. She thinks about the pain and suffering that false dragons have caused in the past. Men Channeling, rebels attacking the tower, "light send It isn't a man who can channel." She looks at Sirsei as she goes through the motions of unpacking her dresses and belongings in the cabin they are sharing. "Do you know why we are going with Lila Sedai? I don't think they would send us off to capture a false dragon, but who can say what the Amrylin Seat would do?."


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Sirsei is gazing quietly at Tar Valon when Shalimar speaks to her. She is quiet for a few moments before she turns away from Tar Valon and the White Tower, a mischievous twinkle in her eye, "I had noticed that Lila isn't as composed as she normally is. But I don't know if we should talk about that here in the open."

She indicates that they are not alone, gesturing to the sailors and then grins, "Of course, she could be nervous because this man is truly the Dragon Reborn. And a man channeling isn't all that horrible, really." She speaks at her normal tone, but while she speaks her eyes rove, looking for shock or any sign that the crewmen have been eavesdropping.

Her expression grows grim momentarily, "I imagine the Red Sisters have everything under control. I would be very little use against a false Dragon. And it seems unreasonable of the Amyrlin to saddle Lila with two Accepted if we can't be of use somehow. My guess would be that Lila has research to do in the Caemlyn and we are going along as research assistants."

She smiles again, "I don't know about you, but I'm happy to be getting away from the Tower and Sheriam Sedai, even if it is only for a little while."


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Aside: At this point, you have heard rumors about Logain, and that a party of Aes Sedai was sent after him a few months ago. But that's about it.

aside: I thought we were in the cabin? Hence the crewman showing us to the cabin. As far as a False Dragon, I was asking about the possibility of one, since this is before Rand and Crew even get to camelyn.

Shalimar sighs," It would almost have to be resaerch wouldn't it? Lila Sedai isn't the worst to take notes for, but she will make you recopy a page 50 times to get it perfect. I hope its anything but notes. I for one do not want to spend all of our time outside Tar Valon inside a Caslte library, I have had enough of those."
She looks up quite startled at Sirsei, " Oh um, I am sorry, I know how much you like libraries, I did not mean to suggest they were dull, just not for me. Can you forgive me for that? I know that the goings on in the Ter'angreal are suppoused to be private, but were you...Did you...on the other side, was that what will happen? I cannot be like that, its not possible. You want to be brown, do you know if that was real? "


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Shalimar Shiawase said:
aside: I thought we were in the cabin? Hence the crewman showing us to the cabin. As far as a False Dragon, I was asking about the possibility of one, since this is before Rand and Crew even get to camelyn.

You are. That was bad wording on my part. Since you left Tar Valon after Rand & Co. left the Two Rivers, and news makes it to Tar Valon a lot faster than it gets to Emond's Field, you heard a little bit about Logain before you left.
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aside: Sorry, I misunderstood. I thought we knew where the cabin was, but thought we were still outside.

Sirsei smiles, "I like to learn in the library, but I'm happy actually applying what I know." She shivers, "I don't know if it was real or not. It felt real enough. And... I don't think I want to talk about it. I only know what they told us when we entered and what little we've studied about ter'angreal. But I *think* that it couldn't be real, just something that you make up in your head, even though..." and she pauses.

She shivers again, and continues, even though she looks like she'd rather stop, "It was as real as I could have imagined. I could have stayed, I think. Even though things were going awry faster than I could fix them, it was... the hardest thing I have ever done in my life, stepping through the arch that last time."

Shalimar gives Sirsei's arm a pat
"Do not worry, we do not have to step through it again. That at least is behid us, the test for the shawl cannot be any harder then facing that."
She shudders, "At least I hope not. Since we are going to Camelyn, what do you know about it? I have never been this far south, and the midlanders are strange to me, they never show proper respect for a woman. Why in Sheiner we have a saying 'a womans rights are what ever she says they are' here men seem very disrespectfull, and there are no public baths to socialize in. I do not suppouse I will ever get used to this." she says with a sigh.


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Sirsei smiles in thanks and returns the pat, "I'm sure you're correct about that. Nothing could be so bad, except if it turned out to be true."

She turns around and absentmindedly rifles through her pack, organizing this, or rearranging that, "If I recall, the inner city is Ogier built, and will be interesting to see. And of course, Morgase is the current Queen. I've only ever passed through with my Mother. She did all of the talking and I was very young at the time. I do recall that the boys were very susceptible to girlish charms. The girls were a little stuffy, but much better than the Tairens I remember meeting.

As far as customs, I'm not familiar with them. If I hadn't had the spark, I'd be my mother's apprentice right now and I'd be learning all of this. I could tell you more about Andor's history than about her current state."

Shalimar's Eyes get very wide and she puts a hand to her stomach. "Oh bother, I think there is something wrong with this boat." She grimaces and reaches for the chamber bucket.
"How long will we be on this lightforesaken boat?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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