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WotBS - Scouring of Gate Pass


Thy wounds are healed!
Torrent doesn't listen to either man and dives over to protect Marda's body. She takes a massive blow from the enlarged half-orc and manages to keep her feet even as he falls forward. Ignoring the gash down her side and thigh she kneels to lay her healing touch on Marda.

The dwarf woman's eyes flutter open slowly and she looks around in wonder, until realizing what had happened.

Aaron and Shade take up their defensive spots at the back door as Fantalass takes a defensive posture ready for anything.

Outside the backdoor the group can hear the sounds of battle. A goblin screams in pain - someone intones a magical incantation and a flare of blackish light irrupts around the edges of the door. The backdoor vibrates as the fighting goes on close to it.

Character       AC  HP  InHand/Condition[/U]
[COLOR=White]Barrik          [/COLOR][COLOR=White][COLOR=Yellow]20[/COLOR]  [/COLOR][COLOR=White][COLOR=Orange]17[/COLOR]  falc[/COLOR]hion/[COLOR=Yellow][I]shield[/I][/COLOR];[COLOR=Magenta][I]bless[/I][/COLOR]
Elemental       17   [COLOR=Orange]3[/COLOR]  none/none
Shade           17  [COLOR=White]27[/COLOR]  rapier&s.sword/[COLOR=Magenta][I]bless[/I][/COLOR]
Aaron           [COLOR=Yellow]19[/COLOR]  27  b.sword/[I][COLOR=Yellow]shield of faith[/COLOR][/I];[COLOR=Magenta][I]bless[/I][/COLOR]
Fantalass       [COLOR=RoyalBlue]20[/COLOR]  12  none/[COLOR=RoyalBlue]mage armor&Total Def[/COLOR];[I][COLOR=Magenta]bless
[/COLOR][/I]Krarlrak        15  [COLOR=Red]-6[/COLOR]  h.c.bow/[COLOR=Red][I]stable[/I][/COLOR]
Haddin           9  [COLOR=Red]-7[/COLOR]  none/[COLOR=Red][I]dead[/I][/COLOR];[I][COLOR=Magenta]bless[/COLOR][/I]
Cyrstin         12   8  none/[I][COLOR=PaleTurquoise]unconsious[/COLOR][/I]
[COLOR=White]Smiley           [/COLOR][COLOR=Olive]9[/COLOR][COLOR=White]  [COLOR=White][COLOR=Red]-6[/COLOR][/COLOR]  g.axe[/COLOR]/[COLOR=Olive][COLOR=Red][I]dying[/I][/COLOR][COLOR=White];[/COLOR][I]enlarged[/I][/COLOR](5/10)
Torrent         15   [COLOR=Orange]3[/COLOR]  b.axe/[I][COLOR=Magenta]bless
[/COLOR][/I]Marda         [COLOR=White]  21  [/COLOR][COLOR=White][COLOR=Orange]13[/COLOR]  w.hamm[/COLOR]er&shield[COLOR=Magenta][COLOR=White]/[/COLOR][I]bless[/I][/COLOR]
Boreus          [COLOR=Yellow]15[/COLOR]  36  claw/[I][COLOR=Plum]circle pro.(chaos)[/COLOR][/I];[I][COLOR=Yellow]shield of faith[/COLOR][/I]
Soldiers        19   [COLOR=Orange]3[/COLOR]  b.axe&shield/location-outside
Soldiers        19  [COLOR=Red]-7[/COLOR]  b.axe&shield/[COLOR=Red][I]dying[/I][/COLOR];location-in house
Emran           15   7  s.sword/none
Round 6:
Barrik - moves
Elemental - move, attack (hit dmg: 13)
Torrent - (ready action)5'step cast cure moderate wounds (+15 hp)(1d20+7/1d8+4)
Shade - move, ready action
Aaron - ready action, hides
Marda - stabilize roll success
Fantalass - total def
Emram - attack (miss)
Smiley - attack (hit, dmg: 25) (1d20+10/3d6+13)
Boreus - 5'step, inflict serious wounds (hit, dmg: 14)
soldier - Outside - drop crossbow, draw axe, 5'step, attack (miss)[/sblock]


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First Post
Barrik growls again, tusks enhancing his snarling visage. "Have a little thought for strategy and consequences, dammit! And Aaron, were I as selfish as you paint me, I'd have left when we got through the mountains and you'd be dead already. So mind your blasted tongue!"

The elemental howls, its voice hollow and deep as the rocks it was born from. The dark magic coursing through it hurt, a violation of its essence. But it had been called for a reason. One goblin dead, and now faced with three other foes. It sees the blood still spilling from the wounded soldier, makes its final choice before returning to the earth, and lunges at him!

Barrik readies to attack anyone coming in the the door and getting in reach. The elemental attacks the soldier.

Barrik AC 20, HP 17/26, Shield has 25 rounds remaining.
1st-level Spells: 1/4 cast.
Summon Monster: 1/4 cast.

Earth Elemental AC 17, HP 3/17

Walking Dad

First Post

Fantalass moves to the corner, barely looking around it he sends a magic missle from the wand at the hobgoblin soldier outside..


move two sq right, magic missle


AC 15 (11) (T11, FF10), HP 12/12, F +1,R+2,W+4

Acid Dart: 6/7 (+3, 1d6+2) (includes Point Blank bonus)
Magic Missle Wand: 21/50 (1d4+1)

Prepared Spells:
DC = 10 + spell level + 3
Cantrips- 3, 1st- 2+1
0: Acid Splash, Dancing Light, Detect Magic, Message
1: Mage Armor - Color Spray, Mage Armor, Mount


Caty: AC 16 (T14, FF14), HP 6/6, F +2,R+2,W+4 (Imp. Evasion)


Walking Dad

First Post
OOC: Ok, in this case, he moves 3 sq down and defends. Next round he will try to kill the half-orc (the full round action, currently not sure about the name).

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Aarons anger is taking over, yet he tries to keep it in check. Shaking the thought of skewering the half-orc, Aaron calls out, "I gave my oath. You challenged my word when this fight started. I have kept my oath, as well as taken down the foes with Shade here. What have you done?"

Aaron turns to Shade, knowing that the enemies are outside the back of the small house. Turning back to Fantalass, Torrent and Marda, he motions for them three to head out the front door while Shade and himself guard the back door. He cares not what Barrik does, as Aaron focuses on the rear door.


First Post
"Gods above! You are one incredible piece of work, in a zealot's package. As blind to the truth as you are adhered to your ally-destroying madness. I and my summoned beasts have fought just as hard as you, and you question my worth? You've got a lot to learn about people."

Barrik keeps his falchion at the ready, not sure whether the worst foes are outside the house or within.


Thy wounds are healed!
"Will you two stop flexing your muscles and finish this!" Torrent says as she helps Marda to her feet. "That Inquisitor isn't going to let us just walk away and I'd rather have the Fire Forest be the only thing to have to worry about as we travel through it."

She looks to Marda and gives her a look as if to say she could use some help here.

[sblock=OOC] FtF you posted but no actions listed. Still need Shade, Aaron, and Marda's actions/plans.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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