D&D (2024) WotC Reveals The Confirmed Release Dates of 2024's D&D Slate

New product slate begins on May 21st and runs through February 2025.


We now have the actual release dates of the upcoming slate of Dungeons & Dragons books, as shared by WotC via a press release emailed out a few minutes ago.
  • Vecna: Eve of Ruin (May 21)
  • The Making of Original Dungeons & Dragons: 1970-1977 (June 18)
  • Quests from the Infinite Staircase (July 16)
  • Player’s Handbook (Sept 17)
  • Dungeons Master’s Guide (Nov 12)
  • Monster Manual (Feb. 18, 2025)

Vecna: Eve of Ruin
  • Adventure Campaign
  • For characters of levels 10-20
  • A high-stakes adventure in which the fate of the entire multiverse hangs in the balance. The heroes begin in the Forgotten Realms and travel to Planescape, Spelljammer, Eberron, Ravenloft, Dragonlance, and Greyhawk as they race to save existence from obliteration by the notorious lich Vecna who is weaving a ritual to eliminate good, obliterate the gods, and subjugate all worlds.
  • Release Date: May 21, 2024

The Making of Original Dungeons & Dragons: 1970-1977
  • History of D&D
  • The ultimate book showcasing D&D’s inception, including Gary Gygax’s never-before-seen first draft of D&D written in 1973, a curated collection of published fanzine and magazine articles contribute to D&D’s origin story. Each document is introduced, described, and woven into the story by one of the game’s foremost historians, Jon Peterson.
  • Release Date: June 18, 2024
Quests from the Infinite Staircase
  • Adventure Anthology
  • For character levels 1 to 13.
  • This anthology weaves together six classic DUNGEONS & DRAGONS adventures while updating them for the game’s fifth edition. The Infinite Staircase holds doors leading to fantastic realms. It’s home to the noble genie Nafas, who hears wishes made throughout the multiverse and recruits heroes to fulfill them.
  • Release Date: July 16, 2024
Player’s Handbook (2024)
  • Player resource
  • Take your game to the next level with the revised 2024 Player's Handbook. More player options, enhanced organization, and engaging additions to the fifth edition rules, make this a must have for your next Dungeons & Dragons campaign.
  • Release Date: September 17, 2024
Dungeon Master’s Guide (2024)
  • DM resource
  • It's never been easier to become the Dungeon Master than with the revised 2024 Dungeon Master's Guide. Learn the craft from the experts in a cleverly crafted and accessible approach to running your own game. With more tools than ever before, becoming the master of your own multiverse will be a snap.
  • Release Date: November 12, 2024
Monster Manual (2025)
  • DM Resource
  • The revised 2025 Monster Manual brings you the greatest selection of foes to face off with your player's characters than ever assembled in the history of the game. More options at all levels of play means more ways to provide the challenges that will keep them coming back to the table again and again.
  • Release Date: February 18, 2025

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New Publisher
Yeah, it's simply too easy to run everything from my laptop now. I don't reference the books for character building because I don't want to flip through 3 or more books. A good chunk of the monsters I use are in books that I only partially purchased.

I'll probably still order the core 3 from my local store just to support them and because I really do like flipping through books, but that's about it.
I also play half my games on a VTT with people across the country....really don't want physical books for that.

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Book-Friend, he/him
Interesting, and probably not coincidental, that seven settings were mentioned for the adventure.
Oh, absolutely not a coincidence.

Based on the "revisiting 5E products" metric:

  • Spelljammer: tying into LoX from the box set?
  • Planescape: tying into the Turning of Fortune's Wheel?
  • Ravenloft: revisiting Death House from Curse of Strahd
  • Eberron: tying into the sample Adventure from the campaign book...?
  • Greyhawk: dollars to donuts, this will be Saltmarsh
  • Dragonlance: tying into Shadow of the Dragon Queen?

Now, the really odd question is, what FR connection?

- Lost Mines of Phandelver, particularly actually addressing what the Forge of Spells is about


Book-Friend, he/him
I think that IS their justification, but I suspect that they'd have rather had all three core books out in 2024 - it just didn't work out that way. (Or in other words - I don't think that this was done "on purpose" but more like "juggling" or "spinning plates" and this is the closest they could get to a reasonable "landing").
Oh, for sure. But it is at least reasonable.


Oh, absolutely not a coincidence.

Based on the "revisiting 5E products" metric:

  • Spelljammer: tying into LoX from the box set?
  • Planescape: tying into the Turning of Fortune's Wheel?
  • Ravenloft: revisiting Death House from Curse of Strahd
  • Eberron: tying into the sample Adventure from the campaign book...?
  • Greyhawk: dollars to donuts, this will be Saltmarsh
  • Dragonlance: tying into Shadow of the Dragon Queen?

Now, the really odd question is, what FR connection?

- Lost Mines of Phandelver, particularly actually addressing what the Forge of Spells is about

"Greatest Hits of the last 10 years".

Plus, it has the added bonus of "advertising" each setting for the uninitiated. It's not a bad plan. Now, hopefully they can make a good adventure out of it!

Oh, absolutely not a coincidence.

Based on the "revisiting 5E products" metric:

  • Spelljammer: tying into LoX from the box set?
  • Planescape: tying into the Turning of Fortune's Wheel?
  • Ravenloft: revisiting Death House from Curse of Strahd
  • Eberron: tying into the sample Adventure from the campaign book...?
  • Greyhawk: dollars to donuts, this will be Saltmarsh
  • Dragonlance: tying into Shadow of the Dragon Queen?

Now, the really odd question is, what FR connection?

- Lost Mines of Phandelver, particularly actually addressing what the Forge of Spells is about
I have a feeling, since it's going to start in FR, that there will be numerous on-ramps from the various adventures that feature the obelisks.

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