D&D 5E WotC Sept 2023 player survey is live.

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
No Al-Qadim either.

I would be interested to know though - does anyone actually have favourite PC character races? They always ask, but the concept seems weird to me.
what you never meet the always elf players the dwarf guys, we have a known person here who has a preference for playing Dragonborn what seems so odd about it?

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Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
Huh. That was a strange survey. They had a lot of questions about the stuff I bought, and when I bought it, and where I bought it from...but no questions at all about the playtest material.


Book-Friend, he/him
Huh. That was a strange survey. They had a lot of questions about the stuff I bought, and when I bought it, and where I bought it from...but no questions at all about the playtest material.
This isn't a playtest survey at all, this is.their annual customer information survey to get info on what people like (hence favorite Species, favorite Class, favorite Setting) and brass tacks on how we spend money.


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
This isn't a playtest survey at all, thisnisntheir annual customer information survey to.get info on what people like (hence favorite Species, favorite Class, favorite Setting) ND brass tacks on how we spend money.
Ah, that makes more sense. It started out with "choose you favorite races and classes," so I just assumed that they were going to ask me about those choices later.

Oh well. I'm happy to tell them all about my fondness for Mystara, 5E, and the amount of expendable income I have. Hint, hint...


Book-Friend, he/him
Ah, that makes more sense. It started out with "choose you favorite races and classes," so I just assumed that they were going to ask me about those choices later.

Oh well. I'm happy to tell them all about my fondness for Mystara, 5E, and the amount of expendable income I have. Hint, hint...
Honestly, I continue to be fascinated that Mystara and Birthright get their own radio buttons year after year.
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Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
Huh. That was a strange survey. They had a lot of questions about the stuff I bought, and when I bought it, and where I bought it from...but no questions at all about the playtest material.
they want to know what the purchasing power is what with earth's economies not doing well right now.
Ah, that makes more sense. It started out with "choose you favorite races and classes," so I just assumed that they were going to ask me about those choices later.

Oh well. I'm happy to tell them all about my fondness for Mystara, 5E, and the amount of expendable income I have. Hint, hint...
was this supposed to be the same post or was there a missing post?
You know that faction thing people keep bringing up? I’ll bet they have their internal proponents.
faction thing?


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
was this supposed to be the same post or was there a missing post?
It was supposed to be in the same post. Since they asked me all about my income and spending habits, my gaming history, and my favorite campaign settings, I'm hoping they will read between the lines. "Hmm, this guy loves Mystara, and he spends hundreds of dollars a month on 5E stuff. Maybe we should connect the dots..."

Honestly though, I don't know if I want Wizards of the Coast to do a full release of the entire Mystara setting. As much as I love it, some of it really hasn't aged well and other parts of it would never get a green light from a cultural sensitivity expert. (And some of it needs to be completely rewritten IMO, but anyway.) If they released something small, like an updated 5E Creature Catalogue with all of the monsters from the old BECMI modules converted to 5E, or maybe an updated version of "Keep on the Borderlands" or "Rahasia," I would be all over it.


These, but updated for 5E? Yes please!
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Book-Friend, he/him
You know that faction thing people keep bringing up? I’ll bet they have their internal proponents.
I'm sure they do, particularly Mystara! It also wouldn't surprise me if they get enough votes each year to keep them on WotC radar (unlike, say Jakondar).

Birthright would be great for a board game and book combo somewhat like Dragonlance got last year. The new Feat rules also may provide a way to do scion stuff but still play nice with non-Scion characters?
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Book-Friend, he/him
It was supposed to be in the same post. Since they asked me all about my income and spending habits, my gaming history, and my favorite campaign settings, I'm hoping they will read between the lines. "Hmm, this guy loves Mystara, and he spends hundreds of dollars a month on 5E stuff. Maybe we should connect the dots..."
I can see Mystara being somewhat difficult for WotC (though not Dark Sun difficult), wince there a lot of Known World products that did not age super gracefully and would need some real twnder love and care. It has a lot of nostalgia, particularly since it was the only D&D Settong to go global (hence all the Mystara influences on Dragon Quest, Final Gantasy, etc), but it is hard to differentiate super hard from a product like Forgotten Realms or Greyhawk: standard Heroic Fantasy is always popular, but why this one instead of that one?

Would be awesome if they could do something with it: it got used in Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel juat last year, as a place where you could place several of the sub-Settings. With their younger and more diverse up and coming designers, maybe they can refresh it for a new generation?

Voidrunner's Codex

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