WotC WotC general D&D survey just went live.

And yet other companies have come up with other ways. All that says is that, like they usually do, WotC has chosen the blandest, safest option.
Welcome to 5e! We have plain oatmeal, uncooked firm tofu, white rice congee, milk toast, saltine crackers, and as a brand-new addition to our flavor-packed menu, your choice of La Croix sparkling water.

These items all passed our patented, state-of-the-art DRTB* test for reliability and popularity!

*"DRTB" and "Don't Rock The Boat" are registered trademarks of Hasbro Inc. and/or its wholly-owned subsidiaries. All rights reserved, parent pending. This test is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any design faults. Individual results may vary. Offer not valid in Svalbard and Jan Mayen.

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Which is intended for people new to the game, among others. It’s the first presentation of an edition update, so it wants to get things across cleanly and simply. A “choose your options”, which is how these tend to end up, while useful, isn’t typically PH material
If choose-your-options isn't PH material then where do you suggest they put it instead?

And if the answer is "in the DMG", please try again: the DMG should not be a place for player-facing material.

It is interesting that all of those periods of mechanical exploration hit right before the end of each edition. 3.5 had essentially a refresh of the core material between PHB2 and the second Complete line, 4e ran some mixed experiments with its resource structure, but also really nailed down some other systems, and even further back, you could connect The Player's Options books into the trend.

I'd love to see that experimentation happen more readily.
Meh - if they started that type of experimentation as soon as an edition was released, the natural response of many - probably including me - would go something like "They just released this - did they screw it up? Why else would they be messing with it so soon?". This would, I would think, tend to drive down sales until that messing-with process was finished.

If choose-your-options isn't PH material then where do you suggest they put it instead?

And if the answer is "in the DMG", please try again: the DMG should not be a place for player-facing material.
I mean, the original aasimar stats were in the DMG. They weren’t great, sure, but they were there

I’d see it being a good choice for the inevitable “here’s more player options”, your Volo mk 2, but DMG would work as a “here’s how to help you, newbie DM, adjust or make new options based on player desires” example like Aasimar were

Welcome to 5e! We have plain oatmeal, uncooked firm tofu, white rice congee, milk toast, saltine crackers, and as a brand-new addition to our flavor-packed menu, your choice of La Croix sparkling water.

These items all passed our patented, state-of-the-art DRTB* test for reliability and popularity!

*"DRTB" and "Don't Rock The Boat" are registered trademarks of Hasbro Inc. and/or its wholly-owned subsidiaries. All rights reserved, parent pending. This test is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any design faults. Individual results may vary. Offer not valid in Svalbard and Jan Mayen.
Don't forget three flavors of psion: fighter, rogue, or sorcerer.

It is interesting that all of those periods of mechanical exploration hit right before the end of each edition. 3.5 had essentially a refresh of the core material between PHB2 and the second Complete line, 4e ran some mixed experiments with its resource structure, but also really nailed down some other systems, and even further back, you could connect The Player's Options books into the trend.

I'd love to see that experimentation happen more readily.
3e was amazing with a constant stream of new option to keep players invested in the mechanics....

The warlock as we know it.
Incarnum (a brand new power source)
5e style cantrips for spellcasters
The alternate beastform druid
Most of the Unearthed Arcana book
Letting you become an elemental with an elementalist.

The equivalent of an Unearthed Arcana book is what I miss most in 5e. Just a single bone thrown at those looking for crunch.

I'd even be happy with a compendium book that gathered up all the random subsystems, items, monsters, and generically useful bits from the adventures into one item.

Oh no... you can say whatever it is you want. I just find the request for someone else to tone down their snark to be a little ironic is all. LOL.
This is a really gross post. If you have a counter-argument to an argument that someone makes, make it, but make it about the argument. Making personal attacks like this is not cool. This poster was not attacking you (or anyone involved in this conversation for that matter). I don't really agree with what their posting, but this tactic of yours is out of bounds.

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