WotC New D&D survey from WotC as part of the 50th anniversary year.


I honestly don't think the Layoff will affect the edition.
I don't think so either. Layoffs when an edition is mostly done has happened before and will happen again.

It's always a bad look to fire people about Christmastime, but if you apply for a position at WotC you really ought to know this and plan accordingly.

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bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
The 5e team was about ten people. There was nobody left to lay off.
And it shrank to six at one point. One need only look at an early PHB to see the difference.
No you don't have to wait until after the edition is published to get rid off the staff.
I've never claimed this
I'm reminding you and the thread that if you look at history you would have saved yourself a lot of emotion.
I'm reminding you that your facts aren't real. You've invented a situation by insulting my intelligence.


And it shrank to six at one point. One need only look at an early PHB to see the difference.

I've never claimed this

And that would be the “about ten” that I said. All of which occurred LONG before 5e was finished.

There were like zero layoffs after 5e was released because there was no one left to lay off.

You are misremembering how things were.

This isn't true. You've repeated yourself so you feel it is true. But that doesn't match reality.

But the last large layoffs to hit D&D were after 5e went out of playtest, not before it.
Also, since the public changes to the publication dates and the efforts of the playtest were stretched out we know the work wasn't done.
There were no public changes of the release date. That is just your story. I never took them as anything than a dumb and annyoing editing mistake.

Hope those 5 employees made bank, and didnt all just get funneled back to Hasbro shareholders.

(I'll pause now for laughter.)
I am really asking you some honest questions. Do you know how stock market works. Why companies are having shareholders? Why shareholders lend companies their money?
Why people don't put their money under their pillow?

bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
There were no public changes of the release date. That is just your story. I never took them as anything than a dumb and annyoing editing mistake.
Nah, I'm not talking about the May date. I'm talking about the original statements that they would all be released during the 50th anniversary. Unless you think they 100% grossly incompetent idiots the plan was to have all 3 books come out in the year of the anniversary.

Then things slowed down at about the same time that they let people go during development.

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