D&D General Are you aware that the New Edition (5.5 whatever) is a part of the 50th Anniversary of D&D?

Ypur generation isn't your age, it is what cartoons you watched between 9 and 13.
I've never thought of it like that. I was 9 in 1990, and 13 in 1994. I honestly don't remember what cartoons I watched back then. I do know that's when I started watching Star Trek: The Next Generation. I also enjoyed watching reruns of Hogan's Heroes, Gilligan's Island, Airwolf, Knight Rider, etc on midday TV during the summer and stuff. I remember watching that live action dinosaur sitcom.

Cartoons I do remember watching include Transformers, GI Joe, Dinosaucers, Looney Tunes, Alvin and the Chipmunks, DuckTales, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Gummi Bears, and so on.

What do those all make me?

I have seen the term Xennial, which probably applies to me. I can remember when Gen Y was still a thing.

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I've never thought of it like that. I was 9 in 1990, and 13 in 1994. I honestly don't remember what cartoons I watched back then. I do know that's when I started watching Star Trek: The Next Generation. I also enjoyed watching reruns of Hogan's Heroes, Gilligan's Island, Airwolf, Knight Rider, etc on midday TV during the summer and stuff. I remember watching that live action dinosaur sitcom.

Cartoons I do remember watching include Transformers, GI Joe, Dinosaucers, Looney Tunes, Alvin and the Chipmunks, DuckTales, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Gummi Bears, and so on.

What do those all make me?

I have seen the term Xennial, which probably applies to me. I can remember when Gen Y was still a thing.

Nick at Night introduced me to so much good old TV.

Lancelot Link. The Monkees. Dobey Gillis, etc.

I’d love for them to bring back the 3E iconics. Especially Lidda.
At least kill Redgar again, or let us see Allehandra has been safely admitted to a sanitarium to get the help a merciless person like her needs.

But really, where's the Eberron stuff? Where's Vol? Where's the denizens of the Dragon Below pouring out into the multiverse? Where's the Lord of Blades making his move? Where's the creator worship for Keith that justifies toxic fan behavior?

There have been new things in D&D since 1997, so why are we in a constant churn of 2e stuff?

Nick at Night introduced me to so much good old TV.

Lancelot Link. The Monkees. Dobey Gillis, etc.
I never had access to Nickelodeon at home. Only got to watch it at a friend's house. But Philadelphia had (and may still have) a local TV channel that played lots of reruns. I think I used to watch things like I Dream of Genie on it as well. I guess I'd just watch whatever was on at the time.

But really, where's the Eberron stuff? Where's Vol? Where's the denizens of the Dragon Below pouring out into the multiverse? Where's the Lord of Blades making his move? Where's the creator worship for Keith that justifies toxic fan behavior?
Eberron features in the new Vecna adventure, and that segment is set in the Mournland, with the Lord of Blades' warforged fanatics as antagonists. I'm thinking of running an Eberron-ified version of the adventure with Vol taking Vecna's place.

There have been new things in D&D since 1997, so why are we in a constant churn of 2e stuff?
What 2e stuff? I'm mostly seeing 1e stuff.

At least kill Redgar again, or let us see Allehandra has been safely admitted to a sanitarium to get the help a merciless person like her needs.

But really, where's the Eberron stuff? Where's Vol? Where's the denizens of the Dragon Below pouring out into the multiverse? Where's the Lord of Blades making his move? Where's the creator worship for Keith that justifies toxic fan behavior?

There have been new things in D&D since 1997, so why are we in a constant churn of 2e stuff?

What's an Eberron?

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