D&D General D&D 50th Anniversary Gets A TIME Magazine Special Edition

A special TIME edition which celebrates the 50th anniversary of Dungeons & Dragons!

Luke Gygax posted this image over on Facebook--a special TIME edition which celebrates the 50th anniversary of Dungeons & Dragons!

Look what I got in the mail today! The Time Special Edition on D&D. I gave an interview for this issue and truly enjoyed providing some context for the journalists. I love the sub-title “The Game That Changed the World”. It sure did.

It's not the first time TIME has covered D&D. Back in March 2023, WotC's Kate Welch penned an article on the TIME website about D&D entitled 'The Magic of Dungeons & Dragons Can Save Us--But Only If You Let It'. And way back in 2008 TIME talked about 'How D&D Changed the Culture'. This is the first time D&D has had an entire issue, though!

There's no word yet on how you can buy this issue, and it was not on the TIME website at the time of writing.


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