D&D General Are you aware that the New Edition (5.5 whatever) is a part of the 50th Anniversary of D&D?


#1 couple in anime
Over in the new cover for the DMG thread a lot of people are dismayed the the revealed covers for the new Core 3 seem to lean into nostalgia.

Having new art of the famous iconic of 1st ed. Strongheart, Venger, etc. The interior art going all in as well. Not to mention those darn meddling kids from the cartoon! And whats that elfs name? Milf? Something like that.

And some people are just aghast at Gen X for using these old 1st ed characters in the.... Anniversary Edition. Like did you not notice this has been hyped as the 50th Anniversary Edition? Like WotC has played up the 50 Anniversary everywhere. There are even 50th Anniversary themed minis coming.

Don't be worried by the time they roll 5.75 or 6 or whatever I'm sure it will go back to mostly anime themed Hogwarts bespectacled heroes in big bright colors. You don't see Warduke needing glasses! (Im just joking, nothing wrong with fantasy heroes in eyewear.)

This is the 50 Anniversary. Normally I would defecate all up and down WotC for their choices but I can't fault them for trying to celebrate the 50th Anniversary.

Not to mention, them using nostalgia back when they released 5th ed is what got a lot of the older gamers to try D&D5. The game might not exist if they didn't throw us a bone back then and it doesn't hurt them now, especially tied to a 5 decades celebration.

As for Gen X. Well, let me finish off with our motto born from neglect and apathy: "Whatever."

i rule breakfast club GIF
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I don't have nostalgia for all of this stuff.. Not in the traditional sense, anyway. Can you have nostalgia for something you didn't experience?

But regardless I really enjoy all of it. I've spent a lot of time combing through old books, old Dragon/Dungeon magazines, and old adventures. It's really neat to see where the hobby came from.

As a kid I loved schlocky old TV monster movies. I thought the stop action 7th Voyage of Sinbad was amazing (skeletons! hydras! What's not to love?) I may be old, but I'm not old enough to have been around when they were released. I still thought they were awesome.

If these books are supposed to last another 10 years, they shouldn't have leaned so heavily into this "50 year" nostalgia trip, IMO. They should have just putout special 50 Year Anniversary Edition covers and would have made a bunch of money. D&D is supposed to be timeless, because it is what you make it, no matter whoever or whenever you are.

I understood that the 50th anniversary was the primary reason for the whole thing. I remember speculation that there would be an edition drop beginning to wane when One D&D was announced because they waited until August 2022 to announce it. That didn't seem like nearly enough time to do a playtest and publish all three books in time for 2024.

Turns out, it wasn't.

And I'm calling it 5.24.

As a kid I loved schlocky old TV monster movies. I thought the stop action 7th Voyage of Sinbad was amazing (skeletons! hydras! What's not to love?) I may be old, but I'm not old enough to have been around when they were released. I still thought they were awesome.

And classic Clash of the Titans!

I loved old shows and movies. Heck I was just watching some Dobey Gillis the other day.

If these books are supposed to last another 10 years, they shouldn't have leaned so heavily into this "50 year" nostalgia trip, IMO. They should have just putout special 50 Year Anniversary Edition covers and would have made a bunch of money. D&D is supposed to be timeless, because it is what you make it, no matter whoever or whenever you are.
Not sure how to break this to you.

They are wringing what they can out of 5e.

My money is on 6e in 5 years or less. But then again, I did not see the value of a camera on my phone initially

Waving my camera in the air at my spouse “But I always have “this” with me!” (I.e. it’s my guess but I am often wrong)

If these books are supposed to last another 10 years, they shouldn't have leaned so heavily into this "50 year" nostalgia trip, IMO. They should have just putout special 50 Year Anniversary Edition covers and would have made a bunch of money. D&D is supposed to be timeless, because it is what you make it, no matter whoever or whenever you are.
I don't think it's going to turn significant numbers of people off. Were there people who didn't buy the 2014 books because they featured Snurre and Aceracak?

People who don't know/care who these characters are will just see them as heroes and villains.

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