WotC to Revise D&D 4th Edition GSL and SRD

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Greg K

nevermind. GMSkarka posted his skepticism here. I was going to reference his and another 3pp's skepticism posted at rpg.net without actually mentioning names.
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To assume malice on WotC's part is ludicrous. However, to assume unconditional benevolence their part would be even more ludicrous, because at least assuming malice puts you on your guard, while assuming unconditional benevolence is effectively kneeling and baring your financial neck to them, assuming that they'd never be mean enough to use the enormous axe in their hands on it.

I agree wholeheartedly. Trust is NOT a foundation for good business; if any CEO came to me asking for my money, telling me to "trust him," I'd run like hell.

And yet, the vehemence of the 3pp community doesn't sit well with me. I am the 3pp's target audience --- I will purchase the core books, maybe some minis, but EVERYTHING else I buy (including during this coming Gen Con) will be from 3pp.

But they are playing in the WotC sandbox; WotC was under no obligation to invite them over to play. However many publishers in this thread are bitter about how WotC goes about handling its IP.

Huh? Can I have your IP while we're at it?

Of course the license is restrictive, of course it weighted on the side of the owner. But it is free, and they are willing to change it.

To boot, some companies are coming out with material, which I will buy, and for that I am thankful.

Just my opinion. Feel free to disagree. :)


I'll chime in with a few things.

Q) Is the timing of this announcement in any way related to GenCon happening later this week?

A) Why yes. Linae and I wanted to actually release the changes to the license prior to the show but when it became clear that wasn't going to happen we decided to make the announcement of our intentions to stem off questions regarding the license.

Q) Is the GSL going to have significant changes?

A) We hope so. If the changes we recommended go through they will be significant.

Q) Am I going to like the changes?

A) I think many people will be happy. It probably won't please everyone but if the changes we recommended go through the license we appeal to a lot more people.

Q) Why should we trust you?

A) You probably shouldn't. As the saying goes "seeing is believing" but know that our intentions are to make the license more user friendly. The proof of our efforts will be in the final output so I would hope for the best but maintain a certain level of skepticism.

Q) Is Clark Peterson a payed shill or something?

A) No, but we value Clark's insight and opinion and want to see publishers like Necromancer make 4th edition compatible supplements.

Q) Is this going to take 6 months (or longer) to release like the last time?

A) I sure hope not. Our legal team has told us they will work on it next week but we are not committing to a time line as those things often shift.
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At this point, it's too early to say. If WotC decides to axe them, then yes, they made objectively bad decisions. If they survive and prosper, then no, their decision -- which was, basically, a calculated gamble -- paid off.
So in a hypothetical world where we have perfect knowledge of the future before we make a business decision, we can call a decision objectively bad. I'll grant you that one.

But I think I'll stick to the real world where you can only make decisions based on the best knowledge and analysis at the time the decision is made.

Edit: Your reply also contradicts your earlier post, where you asserted it is objectively bad to enter into such a license. If it's too early to say, then you can't call it objectively bad.
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I'll chime in with a few things.
Please allow me to retort..

Q) Is the timing of this announcement in any way related to GenCon happening later this week?

A) Why yes. Linae and I wanted to actually release the changes to the license prior to the show but when it became clear that wasn't going to happen we decided to make the announcement of our intentions to stem off questions regarding the license.
That is a smart business decision to handle the problems of the GSL. No one wants to spend an entire con hearing complainsts for customer, so that was an excellent marketing plan.

Q) Is the GSL going to have significant changes?

A) We hope so. If the changes we recommended go through they will be significant.
As you stated you hope so, but you really don't know if it will at this time. So right now, anything good or bad is possible.

Q) Am I going to like the changes?

A) I think many people will be happy. It probably won't please everyone but if the changes we recommended go through the license we appeal to a lot more people.
I for one can't wait to see the changes but I wish you might have done this earlier with the first release of the GSL. It could have saved you a lot of time, money and embarresment to your company.

Q) Why should we trust you?

A) You probably shouldn't. As the saying goes "seeing is believing" but know that our intentions are to make the license more user friendly. The proof of our efforts will be in the final output so I would hope for the best but maintain a certain level of skepticism.
I will not make a comment on this until I see and review the revised GSL.

Q) Is Clark Peterson a payed shill or something?

A) No, but we value Clark's insight and opinion and want to see publishers like Necromancer make 4th edition compatible supplements.
Clark is a business man making the best business releationship he can. SO I hope out no matter what happens it works out well for him.

Q) Is this going to take 6 months (or longer) to release like the last time?

A) I sure hope not. Our legal team has told us they will work on it next week but we are not committing to a time line as those things often shift.
But in reality you don't know and that is understandable. But to me it seems if you had waited to do all this BEFORE releasing the GSL you would not have to go back and change it. The business model of "Ready, Shoot, Aim" instead of "Ready, Aim, Shoot" would have saved WOTC from all this that is going on.


First Post
Thanks for the reply, Scott. Personally, I am excited that the very first change to the GSL will be for the betterment of the situation, so I'm optimistic (cautiously, yes, but optimistic).


Please allow me to retort..

That is a smart business decision to handle the problems of the GSL. No one wants to spend an entire con hearing complainsts for customer, so that was an excellent marketing plan.

Thanks, I think so too.

As you stated you hope so, but you really don't know if it will at this time. So right now, anything good or bad is possible.
I can assure you it can't get worse so the options seem to be neutral and positive.

I for one can't wait to see the changes but I wish you might have done this earlier with the first release of the GSL. It could have saved you a lot of time, money and embarresment to your company.
Sure, who likes to do work twice? but, it is was it is, so until they make that time machine I'll just keep on truckin'.

I will not make a comment on this until I see and review the revised GSL.
Good policy

Clark is a business man making the best business releationship he can. SO I hope out no matter what happens it works out well for him.
and a nice guy

But in reality you don't know and that is understandable. But to me it seems if you had waited to do all this BEFORE releasing the GSL you would not have to go back and change it. The business model of "Ready, Shoot, Aim" instead of "Ready, Aim, Shoot" would have saved WOTC from all this that is going on.
It's easy to arm chair quarterback the game too. Wanna trade jobs for the day? It's one thing to run your own company where you are the boss and make all the decisions. It's another when you have multiple stake holders and decision makers to answer too. Being "a wheel in the cog" and being "the wheel "each have their own set of unique challenges. You are entitled to your opinion and I don't necessarily disagree with you but as they say "easier said than done".


Thanks for the candor, Scott.

I'd *love* to hear what your and Linnae's recommended changes are, but I expect that's probably a big no-no as far as Legal is concerned.

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