WotC to Revise D&D 4th Edition GSL and SRD

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Darrin Drader

I may have been misreading but isn't it what the Lawyers and Scott's boss' can do with Scott's and Co.'s suggestions?

To clarify, I meant you as in the whole of WotC. Just a hunch, but I suspect that if it were entirely up to Scott (and Slavicsek, and the other people within the hierarchy who are brave enough to come forward and put a public face on the corporation), we'd probably still have the OGL for 4th edition.

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To clarify, I meant you as in the whole of WotC. Just a hunch, but I suspect that if it were entirely up to Scott (and Slavicsek, and the other people within the hierarchy who are brave enough to come forward and put a public face on the corporation), we'd probably still have the OGL for 4th edition.


*bounces off back to the Hive*

The Little Raven

First Post
I have be talking with a few publishers at the show about our proposed changes and so far the response has been positive.

Any chance of hints on what those proposed changes might look like?

If not, any chance of telling us who those publishers are, so we can shanghai them into telling us? :)


First Post
The "poll's level of confidence" is a technical issue important to statisticians, but of questionable relevance to how we here should view the results in this context. Our level of confidence in the poll is relevant, but not technically defined.

Folks, our polls are not scientific. They are a toy. Please don't argue about them like this.

Level of confidence is in fact technically defined. See here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confidence_level

Look, my initial post was trying to correct a very bad misapprehension (that 900 votes in a poll is a low number), in the field for which I'm a professional teacher. Are you saying as a mod that that's prohibited? Because I can't tell if you're talking as moderator or participant.


Sniper o' the Shrouds
Okay, so I closed the thread.

Here's the reason: protracted hijacking with continuing arguments and edition rivalry between 4E and Paizo.

With that caveat, if someone decided to start a new thread about the revision to the GSL, it will stay open so long as everyone can stay focused on the topic at hand. There won't be any warnings in the new thread. Attempts to hijack it into an edition war will result in an extended vacation from the boards while the guilty parties can repeatedly access the rules and think about how they can avoid a further hiatus.


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