WotC to Revise D&D 4th Edition GSL and SRD

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It's easy to arm chair quarterback the game too. Wanna trade jobs for the day?
SURE!!! I would love to! I could NEVER make the error/mistake you did with the release GSL and still be in business. The PDF business is not that big or forgving. A margin for a PDF publisher is a whole lot slimmer than a major corporation with millions that they can spend to make bad business desicions and then change their mind. I am sure the money you spend to repeair the GSL with your lawyers is SEVERAL more than what LPJ Design makes in a year.

It's one thing to run your own company where you are the boss and make all the decisions. It's another when you have multiple stake holders and decision makers to answer too. Being a wheel in the cog and being the wheel each have their own set of unique challenges. You are entitled to your opinion and I don't necessarily disagree with you but as they say "easier said than done".
I agree it is a different world. But I am sure unlike you, every dollar I spend I think it over several time more then you do, because ITS MY MONEY. Your spending Hasbro's money and I am sure when you assign out freelance work, you are not think that this is money you could be spending on lights, new computers or moving to a larget business location. Bu I am. Every cent that goes in and out of this company is my responsibility. That is the real difference here. I am commited.

Think of it like ham and eggs. The chicken was involved, but the pig was commited. The pig had to give it all.

But, like I siad. I hope this does work it self out. One way or the other.

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I agree it is a different world. But I am sure unlike you, every dollar I spend I think it over several time more then you do, because ITS MY MONEY. Your spending Hasbro's money and I am sure when you assign out freelance work, you are not think that this is money you could be spending on lights, new computers or moving to a larget business location. Bu I am. Every cent that goes in and out of this company is my responsibility. That is the real difference here. I am commited.
That's not fair, though. If Scott messes up, it can mean he loses his job, his source of income.

And as he said, you have the advantage of control. You get to decide where each dollar gets spent in your business. He does not. He has to do the best with what he is given. Blaming him for how WotC spends their money is not fair, since he has (at best) very limited control over it.


First Post
Am I the only one who wants a stricter OGL? Mainly because what pazio is doing has me ticked off. I mean they are using what WOTC did, doing minimal work of their own and publishing it as their product. Frankly any OGL that limited that would be welcome. Towards the end of 3e their were way too many products that were simply completle rip offs of what WOTC put out, complete with same class list, same race list and only the most superficial of diffrences.

I realize that people want to make money, but Id rather see 3rd party publishers publishing their own truly unique games with their own mechanics then see a ton of dnd rip offs.

Just my thoughts.

Wulf Ratbane

Because noone has ever done "Ready, Aim, Shoot, Miss, Aim Again, Shoot Again" before? Everyone gets it perfect the first time?

The "Aim" portion of Louis' analogy can be interpreted as "Solicit feedback from your intended partners."

Thus, "Ready, Shoot, Aim" means, "Prepare the GSL, release the GSL, see how it goes over..."

And quite frankly if they're doing it behind closed doors again, they're not really Aiming. They're just shooting blindly over and over, and we're all hoping they eventually hit the target.

It's markedly different from how the OGL was developed (Ready, Aim, Shoot)-- as Clark has bemoaned several times.


I find this comment interesting. How exactly is it poor reasoning and logic that would lead me to the possibilities I posted? They are perfectly logical conclusions, and I suspect they carry with them more than just a bit of truth.

We all get that you think WotC is the Heart of Evil. No need to keep bashing us over the head with it....:yawn:


Mod Squad
Staff member
But I am sure unlike you, every dollar I spend I think it over several time more then you do...

You are making major assumptions about the person you are talking to, and stating them as objective truth. This is rude. Please don't continue in this manner.

In general, don't make the discussion personal.

SURE!!! I would love to! I could NEVER make the error/mistake you did with the release GSL and still be in business. The PDF business is not that big or forgving. A margin for a PDF publisher is a whole lot slimmer than a major corporation with millions that they can spend to make bad business desicions and then change their mind. I am sure the money you spend to repeair the GSL with your lawyers is SEVERAL more than what LPJ Design makes in a year.

Oh, puh-lease. You're lambasting Scott for making decisions he didn't make, and claiming that you'd have automatically done better in his shoes. It comes across as nonsensical at best, and horrifically arrogant at worst.

When you're part of a larger company, you do what the people above you tell you to do. Period. You can discuss, argue, persuade, and cajole--or you can quit--but at the end of the day, those are your only real options. Telling Scott that you'd "certainly" have done better in his position, without taking into account that neither he nor the hypothetical you were sitting at the wheel, is ludicrous.

Skepticism is fine, and even warranted, but let's not be goofy about it.

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