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D&D 5E WotC's Jeremy Crawford on D&D Races Going Forward

On Twitter, Jeremy Crawford discussed the treatment of orcs, Vistani, drow and others in D&D, and how WotC plans to treat the idea of 'race' in D&D going forward. In recent products (Eberron and Wildemount), the mandatory evil alignment was dropped from orcs, as was the Intelligence penalty. @ThinkingDM Look at the treatment orcs received in Eberron and Exandria. Dropped the Intelligence...

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On Twitter, Jeremy Crawford discussed the treatment of orcs, Vistani, drow and others in D&D, and how WotC plans to treat the idea of 'race' in D&D going forward. In recent products (Eberron and Wildemount), the mandatory evil alignment was dropped from orcs, as was the Intelligence penalty.


@ThinkingDM Look at the treatment orcs received in Eberron and Exandria. Dropped the Intelligence debuff and the evil alignment, with a more acceptable narrative. It's a start, but there's a fair argument for gutting the entire race system.

The orcs of Eberron and Wildemount reflect where our hearts are and indicate where we’re heading.

@vorpaldicepress I hate to be "that guy", but what about Drow, Vistani, and the other troublesome races and cultures in Forgotten Realms (like the Gur, another Roma-inspired race)? Things don't change over night, but are these on the radar?

The drow, Vistani, and many other folk in the game are on our radar. The same spirit that motivated our portrayal of orcs in Eberron is animating our work on all these peoples.

@MileyMan1066 Good. These problems need to be addressed. The variant features UA could have a sequel that includes notes that could rectify some of the problems and help move 5e in a better direction.

Addressing these issues is vital to us. Eberron and Wildemount are the first of multiple books that will face these issues head on and will do so from multiple angles.

@mbriddell I'm happy to hear that you are taking a serious look at this. Do you feel that you can achieve this within the context of Forgotten Realms, given how establised that world's lore is, or would you need to establish a new setting to do this?

Thankfully, the core setting of D&D is the multiverse, with its multitude of worlds. We can tell so many different stories, with different perspectives, in each world. And when we return to a world like FR, stories can evolve. In short, even the older worlds can improve.

@SlyFlourish I could see gnolls being treated differently in other worlds, particularly when they’re a playable race. The idea that they’re spawned hyenas who fed on demon-touched rotten meat feels like they’re in a different class than drow, orcs, goblins and the like. Same with minotaurs.

Internally, we feel that the gnolls in the MM are mistyped. Given their story, they should be fiends, not humanoids. In contrast, the gnolls of Eberron are humanoids, a people with moral and cultural expansiveness.

@MikeyMan1066 I agree. Any creature with the Humanoid type should have the full capacity to be any alignmnet, i.e., they should have free will and souls. Gnolls... the way they are described, do not. Having them be minor demons would clear a lot of this up.

You just described our team's perspective exactly.

As a side-note, the term 'race' is starting to fall out of favor in tabletop RPGs (Pathfinder has "ancestry", and other games use terms like "heritage"); while he doesn't comment on that specifically, he doesn't use the word 'race' and instead refers to 'folks' and 'peoples'.

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Exandra’s pantheon is the 4e pantheon, with the serial numbers filed off for the player’s guide.
They’ve still got the 4e ‘serial numbers’ as far as I can tell. Matt even kept the whole bullet-pointed commandments section.

The only one that got its serial numbers filed off is the Pathfinder god he added and had to rename to Raei.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
They’ve still got the 4e ‘serial numbers’ as far as I can tell. Matt even kept the whole bullet-pointed commandments section.

The only one that got its serial numbers filed off is the Pathfinder god he added and had to rename to Raei.
Huh. I’ve only skimmed the Exandria book, but I thought I remembered the names all being generic-ified. “The Lawgiver,” “The Matron of Ravens,” etc. Did they get a new writeup in the Wildemount book?


I do see in WotC own published Explorers Guide to Wildmount that they did change big assumptions of races going with 2 of the 3 countries (for lack of a better term) the Dwendelyn Empire full of Human, Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, and some Orcs all the good races living in a Empire that dictates the gods they can worship, where they can worship, what the clerics can actually say during sermens. they have a secret police that might have to kill those that don't agree with the ruler and so on. Then you have the Luxan Dynasty made up of all the evil races but they let you worship who you choose except Lolth and they help the violent races break that blood curse so they can be productive members of the populace true it is 1 setting like that and just a beginning of changes. Awhile back they did a Unearthed Arcana on class features options, how hard would it be to do a Racial Features Options in a UA and then put both those in a book along the lines of Xanathar's 2, this would dramatically open the game to choices then just add lore fluff to put said races and why said races are violent/evil getting away from what Tolkien said what 70+ years ago. I may be doing a major over simplification of it but it could be seen as a start.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Huh. I’ve only skimmed the Exandria book, but I thought I remembered the names all being generic-ified. “The Lawgiver,” “The Matron of Ravens,” etc. Did they get a new writeup in the Wildemount book?
Check the Wildemount book.

But Corellon and at least a couple others are “race” gods made more general. The fact that began in 4e isn’t really relevant to the point.


You didn't say that in the post I was quoting. No, that's not crap, it's just incorrect. Bad cops won't stop being bad if they know that they're racist and bad. We need to get the bad cops out in order to keep them from being bad. The training doesn't work a ton of the time because the departments think that it's a joke, and don't take it seriously. The name "Black Lives Matter" isn't meant to be inclusive, it's meant to raise awareness to the fact that until recently, most people didn't think that black lives mattered as much as other races. Many people still don't believe this, which is the point of the whole movement.
What was crap about that last post was saying that their movement's name should be different. Sorry if I came off as rude in that reply, but that's how it is.
Apology accepted, see, as a European I got a bit of an outsiders view which sometimes can offer different perspective.
For instance, I believe that the police training and standard procedures are a bit different in Europe than in the U.S.:

E.g. chances a weapon is drawn for a standard traffic control are close to zero. Chances somebody gets shackled if taken to the department for whatever issue are very low. Chances ordinary people (not criminals) will put up any kind of physical struggle with a policeman are very low. Neutralizing anybody, even if it is a dangerous criminal, by deadly force is the very last resort here. It always means a thorough investigation. Still black people and other minorities have got higher chances to get a routine control than average so there is racial profiling going on here.

I can see why Americans are proud of their, I think it is the second, amendment. And with so many private handguns, I would obtain one also to feel a bit safer, were I to live in the US.
But although the underlying problem of so many cases of black people being victim of the police is latent racism, the escalation of the racism into deadly violence is partially caused by the gun laws, it is the officer who has to approach e.g. someone's vehicle with gun drawn even if he just wants to hand out a speeding ticket or complain a damaged taillight and he is to expect that someone to be armed.

So that might not be the main issue here but it is surely contributing to the sad outcomes which are far to high in number.


Huh. I’ve only skimmed the Exandria book, but I thought I remembered the names all being generic-ified. “The Lawgiver,” “The Matron of Ravens,” etc. Did they get a new writeup in the Wildemount book?
Yes, I think he had to file off he serial numbers for the Tal’Dorei book because it was 3pp but the Wildemount book is official, so it’s got Torog, Tiamat, Corellon, Moradin, etc.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Check the Wildemount book.
I don’t own it, but that’s very cool if they were re-4e-ized for it!

But Corellon and at least a couple others are “race” gods made more general. The fact that began in 4e isn’t really relevant to the point.
Credit where it’s due though. 4e could do with more recognition for the things it did well, not less.

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