Would YOU play AD&D 2e?

Would you play in an AD&D 2e campaign?

  • YES--If it was a good DM with a good group of players.

    Votes: 200 58.5%
  • NO--It just isn't for me.

    Votes: 142 41.5%


The day spent playing bad D&D is better than watching the best football game. :D Gimme Original Edition, First Edition, Second, Third, Three & a Half, Three & Three-Quarters, or D&D-with-an-upside-down-and-triple-reverse-plot-twist.

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Henry said:
The day spent playing bad D&D is better than watching the best football game. :D

YES!!! I might add that to my signature line :)

I should start a new thread on that line in the off topic forum with all those NFL fans in there :)


Jim Hague

First Post
I'd play in a previous editions settings, 'cause they rock, but the rules-sets can go fish, far as I'm concerned. Inconsistent rules, bizarre crap like THAC0 and the saves structure all turned me off of D&D for years until 3.0 came out.


Henry said:
The day spent playing bad D&D is better than watching the best football game.

C'mon Henry! Usually you're the voice of reason here! This is such utter baloney and you know it. Even if you you don't like, or understand football (American, Canadian, Australian or soccer), there is NO way that you can honestly tell me that if I plunked you down in front of a close game that is full of importance to the other millions of people watching, and put it into context for you, that you would not prefer that drama to a D&D game being run by a pimply-faced sadistic 12 year old DM and his 11 year old sister's friends playing 100th level pixies in a Dragonlance campaign?

Chainsaw Mage

First Post
loki44 said:
C'mon Henry! Usually you're the voice of reason here! This is such utter baloney and you know it. Even if you you don't like, or understand football (American, Canadian, Australian or soccer), there is NO way that you can honestly tell me that if I plunked you down in front of a close game that is full of importance to the other millions of people watching, and put it into context for you, that you would not prefer that drama to a D&D game being run by a pimply-faced sadistic 12 year old DM and his 11 year old sister's friends playing 100th level pixies in a Dragonlance campaign?

:p :p :lol: :lol: :lol:

Dude, you made me laugh out loud with that one. Well done!

[Personally, I'd rather pluck my groin hair out with tweezers than play a crappy session of D&D. Nothing kills the game for me more than a bad session.]


No. Never. OD&D? Sure. 1E? Maybe a one-shot to reminisce. But 2E? Even if my free time held only 1% the value it holds now, I wouldn't play it. There are so many things I'd rather play over it, even including a few games I don't care much for. I rank it with a rousing game of Bat Myself in the Groin.

So, to summarize, no thanks.


First Post
Sure, why not? Played it for many years and I was happy with it then. It'd just put myself in a different mindset and have at it.

The general breakdown of how I kinda see the various editions and the approach I'd have to them is as so:

1st ed: Don't ask questions. Bash in doors, kill orcs, steal their pie, kick ass, and save the world. You are an adventurer, you adventure, leave it at that.

2nd ed: There's some more room for character development in terms of mechanical expressions thereof, but serveral things work they way they do simply 'because'. Put some more thought into the character's personality, history, motivations, etc, but don't sweat it too much. Things arn't necessarily their own justifications any more, but don't set your expectations super high. Have fun, rescue the princess, kick ass, and save the world.

3rd ed: Character customization is another step further along the path, allowing for more ease of moulding a character to a concept rather than the reverse. Many of the mechanics are laid bare, letting the realm of 'how' take a place alongside 'why'. The (in my oppinion) tinker-toy approach makes for a much more satisfying experince in playing a character as a person rather than just someone who adventures because it's something to do. Rescue the princess, ask her if she's doing anything later, foil the plot, save the world. Kick ass and steal pies as appropriate.


Voidrunner's Codex

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