Would YOU play AD&D 2e?

Would you play in an AD&D 2e campaign?

  • YES--If it was a good DM with a good group of players.

    Votes: 200 58.5%
  • NO--It just isn't for me.

    Votes: 142 41.5%

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the Jester said:
Interesting- the general opinion seems to be that, whatever its faults, 2e had great settings. I have to agree- I loved Spelljammer, Darksun and Greyhawk, thought Ravenloft was okay and never really got a chance to play some of the other settings, like Al-Quadim or Birthright, that I really think I would've liked.
Well, to be fair, the 2e settings were great... as long as you ignored most of the rules. Which is good, considering that if I were to ever run one of those again, I'd be using 3.5.

Whatever 2e's faults, it had some good flavor settings, not the generic D&D books so much, which have about the same amount of flavor as the 3e Generic books, but the settings. Good stuff in there. :)

Vraille Darkfang said:
In fact, if Skills & Powers hadn't of come out my group would have completly abandoned D&D for White Wolf or Champions.

I kind of feel bad about S&P hate, even though I hated the system. It was an attempt to fix 2e's horrible inflexibility, but it, along with 2e psionics, showed what happened when you mixed incompatible systems.


Olgar Shiverstone said:
If it's a choice between 2E and no D&D, yes.

if it is a choice between 2edADnD and d02. yes.

if it is a choice between 2edADnD and 1edADnD. i'd play 1edADnD

if it is a choice between 2edADnD and (2edD&D or 3edD&D) Holmes or 4edD&D Moldvay or 5edD&D Mentzer. i'd play any of the D&D editions over 2edADnD.

Johnnie Freedom!

First Post
diaglo said:

if it is a choice between 2edADnD and d02. yes.

if it is a choice between 2edADnD and 1edADnD. i'd play 1edADnD

if it is a choice between 2edADnD and (2edD&D or 3edD&D) Holmes or 4edD&D Moldvay or 5edD&D Mentzer. i'd play any of the D&D editions over 2edADnD.

because OD&D (1975) is the one true game. all the others are pale imitations of the real thing.

(That about right?) ;)

Voidrunner's Codex

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