• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 3E/3.5 Wow! Look at this awesome new unofficial 3E news site!


Once A Fool

Three things kept me coming back in those old days:

1) The constant stream of scoops about a game (and, when they started talking about going open source, a philosophy) that was going to be new and exciting and awesome.

2) The detailed examples of how rules that we knew about were going to work (seriously, every regular reader already knew how Attacks of Opportunity worked before we ever saw the books).

3) The incredible--and civil--community that you fostered and nurtured.

Thank you so very, very much.

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Eric - Thanks for starting this thing rolling. Russ - Thanks for keeping it alive.

I don't think I can repay either of you for what this community you founded and fostered has meant to me.


This item I posted very early on could stand as my mission statement for the entire site as I envisioned it at the time:

A reminder to all about fact vs. rumor: "Nothing on this page is set in stone. I am doing my best to inform you of not only what was said, but who said it, so that you can make a judgment about whether something is "official" (or as close as possible) or merely well-informed speculation. Items that have been posted by TSR employees are a pretty safe bet; all others are juicy rumors at best. For the non-official info, I've been trying to only pass along items that seem likely or come from a source that seems reputable (playtesters, people who got to try it at GenCon, etc.). And even the TSR info is subject to change as the rules are developed, tweaked and tested. Hey, that's part of the fun -- seeing where certain rumors turned out to be true, and where certain 'facts' didn't pan out at all."


First Post
Hah! Definitely not up to 1999 web design standards. No animated gifs (double points if it's the background)? No rainbow dividers? No auto-playing MIDI music? No scrolling, flashing marquee?

It's like you weren't even trying.

EDIT: I do, though, have to give you points for using the default font. Would've been extra if you'd used Comic Sans.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
This item I posted very early on could stand as my mission statement for the entire site as I envisioned it at the time:

I spotted that. I plan to put it on the front page of the archive as a kinda description.

Hey, Eric - go down to the style chooser at the bottom left of the forums and select "Eric Noah". :)

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