• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Wrath of the Righteous


Medjai's incredible strength is all that is needed to get the boulder moving. With the two strangers, he is able to lift the rock clean off of the third man's chest and heft it to the side.

"Dear gods!"
Exclaims the formerly trapped man in a husky voice. "I thought I was bound for the Boneyard for sure. Thank you stranger. I am Crel and this is my sister Dyra"

"My name is Lann," says the lizard-face male, " Do you have any idea why these quakes keep happening? The land has never been like this before."

[sblock=OCC]Well I had a massive post written out for how I wanted to turn this into a skill challenge... then Mowgli rolled high enough to completely bypass. Lol, oh well, I'll stick it into the OCC thread tomorrow. Everyone gains 240 EXP. Anyone have running tally of what we are at, I lost my when my comp crashed a while back. [/sblock]

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First Post
Luna, deciding not to be the bear of bad news this time, raises her hand up and says "First, allow me to heal your wounds. Inheritor, lend us your grace, that those injured my once again feel refreshed."

Channel Energy: 1d6=3

I'll go back through and start re-reading the thread, so I remember everything... because I forgot alot about the game in the last month....

[sblock=Luna Stats]
Luna Lightbringer
AC: 16 (15 flat-footed, 16 touch)
HP: 10/10
CMB: +3* CMD: 14 * +2 vs Demons
Fort: +4 Reflex: +1 Will: +4 (+2 vs Charm/Compulsion)
Perception: +4 (Darkvision 60')
Initiative: +1
Current Weapon in Hand: Longspear; +3 1d8+4
Current Conditions in Effect: 2 AoO a round(Can make flat foot) ;
Acid/Cold/Electricity Resistance: 5

Touch of Glory(5/5): Gain +1 on next Cha based check. Last 1 hour or until used.
Seize the Initiative (4/5): At combat start, Ally within 30 rolls twice;
Daylight(Racial 1/day): Cast Daylight as SP ability
Dragon Scale (3/3): Resist Energy 3xday (Cold/Electricty. CL 19)
Channel Energy(3/4): 1d6

Level 0 Spells: Create Water, Mending, Stabilize
Level 1 Spells: Bless, Prot from Evil, Magic Weapon (D)

Holding Equipment:
2 CLW pot's
Gold Ring (Waiting for Calloh to wake up after watch to ID it if she cannot)
Masterwork warhammer


First Post
Shayuri hesitates. She doesn't have all the details...but then again, maybe that actually makes her best qualified to break the news. The implication isn't lost on her though. If they had no idea, then...

"You're not from the city then," she guesses. "You've...lived down here? All this time? There was an attack on the surface. Evidently a major one. The earthquakes are probably from the battle still raging on."

Something occured to her then and she perked up a bit.

"Though...if we can feel it from here, we must be getting closer to the surface!"


Calloh, half-elf bard 1

As soon as he can pull Shayuri aside for a private word, Calloh will tell her, "Looks like you had a rough landing there, Shayuri. If we have a moment, I think I can prepare a poultice for you that should ease the throb a bit."

[sblock=Calloh's sheet]
Picture: View attachment 58769

Calloh [pronounced “callow”]

Alignment: N/G
Half-Elf -- Favored Classes - Bard, Fighter
Bard 1
440+120=560 XP [post # 211] +40+120+10 [post 255] = 730 xp +120 for crazed dwarf = 850
Correct X.P. -- 960 [OOC post # 171]

[sblock=Ability Point Buy, 20 pts]
S11 (1pts)
D14 (5pts)
C12 (2pts)
I14 (5 pts)
W12 (2 pts)
C16 (5 pts=14) (+2 racial)

Final Ability Scores at L1:
S11 +0
D14 +2
C12 +1
I14 +2
W12 +1
C16 +3

BAB: 0

AC: 17 [10+3+2+2]
HP: 10 [8+1+1]

Fort +1
Ref: +4
Will: +3
+2 to save vs. Enchantment/Fear effects
Immune to magic sleep effects
Concentraion: Caster Level 1 + 2 Cha bonus + 2 Trait bonus = +5

SKILLS 6+2=8 pts @ 1st Level
Bluff 1 rank +3 Cha +3 class skill = +7
Diplomacy 1 rank +3 Cha +3 class skill = +7
Disable Device 0 rank +2 Dex = +2
Knowledge (Planes) 1 rank +2 Int +1 bardic knowledge +3 class skill = +7
Knowledge (all others untrained) 0 ranks +2 Int +1 bardic Knowledge = +3
Linguistics 0 rank +2 int = +2
Perception 0 rank +1 Wis +2 Racial = +3
Perform (Stringed Instruments) 1 rank +3 Cha +3 class skill +3 Feat Bonus = +10
Profession (Musician) 1 rank +1 Wis +3 class skill = +5
Sleight of Hand 1 rank +2 Dex +3 class skill = +6
Stealth 1 rank +2 Dex +3 class skill = +6
Use Magic Device 1 rank +3 Cha +3 class skill = +7

Languages: Common, Elvish, Sylvan

FEATS 1+1 racial (skill focus)
Weapon Finesse (Dex mod. instead of Str with certain wpns *+2* but shield ACP applies *-1* for a net +1)
Skill Focus [Perform (stringed instruments)]

BARDIC PERFORMANCE, 7 rounds/day [4 used]
Countersong [allies use my Perform check in place of saving throw]
Distraction [counters magic effects that are sight-dependent, check replaces saving throw if higher]
Fascinate [1 creature, Will DC 13 or -4 to skill checks made as reactions]
Inspire Courage [+1 on saves vs. fear/charm, and +1 att/dam rolls]

SPELLS [Per day: L0 - at-will, L1 - 1+1] [Save DC = 13+spell level]
[Spells Cast: L0: 0; L1: 0]
Daze - 0
Detect Magic - 0
Summon Instrument - 0
Read Magic – 0
Cure Light Wounds - 1
Hypnotism - 1

GP 0
SP 4

EQUIPMENT [105 gp starting funds]
Studded Leather Armor [25 gp, +3 AC]
Heavy Wooden Shield [7 gp, +2 AC]
Rapier [20 gp, 1d8 damage] [+1 att, +0 dam] [+2 w/o shield]
Daggers 2 [@ 2 gp, 1d4 damage] [+1 att melee-feat (+2 w/o shield) or +2 thrown-dex]
Short Bow [30 gp, 1d6 damage] [+2 att, +0 dam]
Borrowed Arrows - 6
Lute, Exceptional Quality [14 gp] [3 gp is ordinary cost]
Waterskin [1 gp]
Trail Rations 3 days [@ 5 sp per day]
Backpack [2 gp]
Bedroll [1 sp]
Traveler's Outfit [1 gp]

Traits: 1. Riftwarden [Campaign Trait] 2. Courageous 3. Anatomist

History: Calloh was born to two adventurers, his mother was an elf champion and his father a human wizard. They were both Riftwardens who adventured into the Worldwound on a secret mission soon after Calloh was born. They left their newborn son with trusted allies, perhaps knowing that their odds of returning were slim. In any case, they met their doom in the Worldwound. Not long after their departure, the foster parents that they had chosen for their son noticed that a mark had appeared on the inside of Calloh's right leg – The Sign of the Seeker's Spiral. [Riftwarden Orphan Trait bonus of +2 on Concentration checks.] The mysterious circumstances of his parents' disappearance sparked an insatiable curiosity in Calloh. When he grew up, he was so intent on making new discoveries and learning new things that he almost seemed fearless when it came to new places, experiences, people, and creatures. [Couageous Trait bonus of +2 on Saves vs. Fear Effects.] Now that Calloh has fully come of age, he seeks to learn the destiny of his parents, hoping against hope that he may somehow find them alive and be able to bring them home safely. For his last trait, Calloh chooses Anatomist, which gives him +1 on rolls to confirm critical hits.

FYI -- Calloh is advancing as a Bard with an eye toward gaining levels in a PrC later. Arcane Archer and Eldritch Knight are his PrCs of interest at this time. Arcane Archer requires him to have a BAB of +6, which he would either obtain by being Bard3 Fighter4 -- CL7, or Bard2 Fighter5 also CL7. Eldritch Knight requires at least one level of fighter and 7th level in bard, so CL8. Or, Eldritch Knight could be pursued by adding a third class, sorcerer to the mix, making Bard2 Fighter1 Sorcerer5, which is also CL8. If he shaved the bard level off he could do that at CL7 as well, but when the third class enters the mix, Calloh will face some XP penalties that will probably make it cost-prohibitive. Realistically, then, we're looking at Arcane Archer at CL7, Bard4 Fighter3. Let's hope that this game continues in good health for a few more years, then!
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Lann pales as you describe the attack on the surface.

"You must come with us to Neathholm. If there is an attack on the surface, than Chief Sull must know of it. You can rest there heal before you make for the city above. I can't promise it will be easy though."

"Wait, you live below the surface?"asks Aravashnial. "Where did you come from? Who were your ancestors? See Horgus, I told you there were people living beneath Kerebres! Not so crazy now, am I?"

Horgus simply curls his lip, clearly not happy with this development.

Lenn replies, "Please sir, now is not the time. That is a long story you ask for and I am not the one to tell it. The main tunnel back to the town has collapsed, but we can take some of the side tunnels to make our way back. Crel, are you good to travel?"

"By the gods' grace, yes. Let's get a move on it!"
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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

Medjai swipes the rock-dust from his hands and takes up his hammer once more. He takes a step as though to resume the trek, but aborts as he realizes that there is now a guide to show them the way.​

[SIZE=+1]Medjai Issa[/SIZE]
Male Lawful Good Qlippoth Tiefling (Motherless)
Paladin (Shining Knight/Warrior of the Holy Light) 01

Init +1, HP 11/11, Speed 30
AC 15, Touch 11, Flat-Footed 16
Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +4

Base Attack Bonus +1
GreatSword +5 (2d6+6, 19/x2)
EarthBreaker +5 (2d6+6, 20/x3)
Dagger +5 (+2 Ranged, 10') (1d4+4, 19/x2)
Cestus +5 (1d4+4)

Lamellar (Leather) Armor (+4 Armor, +1 Dex, +2 Natural)

Abilities Str 18, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 08, Wis 14, Cha 14

Condition None


First Post
Luna nods at the 3 newcomers and says "Please, lead the way."

[sblock=Luna Stats]
Luna Lightbringer
AC: 16 (15 flat-footed, 16 touch)
HP: 10/10
CMB: +3* CMD: 14 * +2 vs Demons
Fort: +4 Reflex: +1 Will: +4 (+2 vs Charm/Compulsion)
Perception: +4 (Darkvision 60')
Initiative: +1
Current Weapon in Hand: Longspear; +3 1d8+4
Current Conditions in Effect: 2 AoO a round(Can make flat foot) ;
Acid/Cold/Electricity Resistance: 5

Touch of Glory(5/5): Gain +1 on next Cha based check. Last 1 hour or until used.
Seize the Initiative (4/5): At combat start, Ally within 30 rolls twice;
Daylight(Racial 1/day): Cast Daylight as SP ability
Dragon Scale (3/3): Resist Energy 3xday (Cold/Electricty. CL 19)
Channel Energy(3/4): 1d6

Level 0 Spells: Create Water, Mending, Stabilize
Level 1 Spells: Bless, Prot from Evil, Magic Weapon (D)

Holding Equipment:
2 CLW pot's
Gold Ring (Waiting for Calloh to wake up after watch to ID it if she cannot)
Masterwork warhammer (To give to Medjai at camp)


First Post
Shayuri looks at the others and nods quickly. "I think this is our best chance of getting back," she says.

To Crel and the other subterranean dwellers she quickly agrees, "I'm ready, show the way."


Another 25 minutes of marching and you run into a problem. Ahead, a wide chasm splits the floor of the ten foot wide tunnel. The floating rock dust in the air and the groans as the tunnel walls settle indicate that the tunnel split very recently. It is 30 feet deep and 30 feet long, before the chasm rises again on the other side with another cliff.

Dyra dispares upon seeing yet another collapsed area. "What are we going to see when we finally reach home? At this rate, there will be nothing left!"


Calloh, half-elf bard 1

"Is there another route, perhaps using even smaller passageways?"

[sblock=Calloh's sheet]
Picture: View attachment 58769

Calloh [pronounced “callow”]

Alignment: N/G
Half-Elf -- Favored Classes - Bard, Fighter
Bard 1
440+120=560 XP [post # 211] +40+120+10 [post 255] = 730 xp +120 for crazed dwarf = 850
Correct X.P. -- 960 [OOC post # 171]

[sblock=Ability Point Buy, 20 pts]
S11 (1pts)
D14 (5pts)
C12 (2pts)
I14 (5 pts)
W12 (2 pts)
C16 (5 pts=14) (+2 racial)

Final Ability Scores at L1:
S11 +0
D14 +2
C12 +1
I14 +2
W12 +1
C16 +3

BAB: 0

AC: 17 [10+3+2+2]
HP: 10 [8+1+1]

Fort +1
Ref: +4
Will: +3
+2 to save vs. Enchantment/Fear effects
Immune to magic sleep effects
Concentraion: Caster Level 1 + 2 Cha bonus + 2 Trait bonus = +5

SKILLS 6+2=8 pts @ 1st Level
Bluff 1 rank +3 Cha +3 class skill = +7
Diplomacy 1 rank +3 Cha +3 class skill = +7
Disable Device 0 rank +2 Dex = +2
Knowledge (Planes) 1 rank +2 Int +1 bardic knowledge +3 class skill = +7
Knowledge (all others untrained) 0 ranks +2 Int +1 bardic Knowledge = +3
Linguistics 0 rank +2 int = +2
Perception 0 rank +1 Wis +2 Racial = +3
Perform (Stringed Instruments) 1 rank +3 Cha +3 class skill +3 Feat Bonus = +10
Profession (Musician) 1 rank +1 Wis +3 class skill = +5
Sleight of Hand 1 rank +2 Dex +3 class skill = +6
Stealth 1 rank +2 Dex +3 class skill = +6
Use Magic Device 1 rank +3 Cha +3 class skill = +7

Languages: Common, Elvish, Sylvan

FEATS 1+1 racial (skill focus)
Weapon Finesse (Dex mod. instead of Str with certain wpns *+2* but shield ACP applies *-1* for a net +1)
Skill Focus [Perform (stringed instruments)]

BARDIC PERFORMANCE, 7 rounds/day [4 used]
Countersong [allies use my Perform check in place of saving throw]
Distraction [counters magic effects that are sight-dependent, check replaces saving throw if higher]
Fascinate [1 creature, Will DC 13 or -4 to skill checks made as reactions]
Inspire Courage [+1 on saves vs. fear/charm, and +1 att/dam rolls]

SPELLS [Per day: L0 - at-will, L1 - 1+1] [Save DC = 13+spell level]
[Spells Cast: L0: 0; L1: 0]
Daze - 0
Detect Magic - 0
Summon Instrument - 0
Read Magic – 0
Cure Light Wounds - 1
Hypnotism - 1

GP 0
SP 4

EQUIPMENT [105 gp starting funds]
Studded Leather Armor [25 gp, +3 AC]
Heavy Wooden Shield [7 gp, +2 AC]
Rapier [20 gp, 1d8 damage] [+1 att, +0 dam] [+2 w/o shield]
Daggers 2 [@ 2 gp, 1d4 damage] [+1 att melee-feat (+2 w/o shield) or +2 thrown-dex]
Short Bow [30 gp, 1d6 damage] [+2 att, +0 dam]
Borrowed Arrows - 6
Lute, Exceptional Quality [14 gp] [3 gp is ordinary cost]
Waterskin [1 gp]
Trail Rations 3 days [@ 5 sp per day]
Backpack [2 gp]
Bedroll [1 sp]
Traveler's Outfit [1 gp]

Traits: 1. Riftwarden [Campaign Trait] 2. Courageous 3. Anatomist

History: Calloh was born to two adventurers, his mother was an elf champion and his father a human wizard. They were both Riftwardens who adventured into the Worldwound on a secret mission soon after Calloh was born. They left their newborn son with trusted allies, perhaps knowing that their odds of returning were slim. In any case, they met their doom in the Worldwound. Not long after their departure, the foster parents that they had chosen for their son noticed that a mark had appeared on the inside of Calloh's right leg – The Sign of the Seeker's Spiral. [Riftwarden Orphan Trait bonus of +2 on Concentration checks.] The mysterious circumstances of his parents' disappearance sparked an insatiable curiosity in Calloh. When he grew up, he was so intent on making new discoveries and learning new things that he almost seemed fearless when it came to new places, experiences, people, and creatures. [Couageous Trait bonus of +2 on Saves vs. Fear Effects.] Now that Calloh has fully come of age, he seeks to learn the destiny of his parents, hoping against hope that he may somehow find them alive and be able to bring them home safely. For his last trait, Calloh chooses Anatomist, which gives him +1 on rolls to confirm critical hits.

FYI -- Calloh is advancing as a Bard with an eye toward gaining levels in a PrC later. Arcane Archer and Eldritch Knight are his PrCs of interest at this time. Arcane Archer requires him to have a BAB of +6, which he would either obtain by being Bard3 Fighter4 -- CL7, or Bard2 Fighter5 also CL7. Eldritch Knight requires at least one level of fighter and 7th level in bard, so CL8. Or, Eldritch Knight could be pursued by adding a third class, sorcerer to the mix, making Bard2 Fighter1 Sorcerer5, which is also CL8. If he shaved the bard level off he could do that at CL7 as well, but when the third class enters the mix, Calloh will face some XP penalties that will probably make it cost-prohibitive. Realistically, then, we're looking at Arcane Archer at CL7, Bard4 Fighter3. Let's hope that this game continues in good health for a few more years, then!

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