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Wulf's Collected Story Hour -- FINAL UPDATE 12/25

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Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
I'm just recalling some of Dinkledogs comments when I asked him for his perceptions of the module just before I ran it... Didn't seem to be a happy puppy!

(I ran a pretty modified version of it and it was great fun, but it did contain plenty of logical inconsistencies that needed ironing out)



Plane Sailing said:
I'm just recalling some of Dinkledogs comments when I asked him for his perceptions of the module just before I ran it... Didn't seem to be a happy puppy!

I think his review here at ENworld makes his opinions on that module very clear :)

Having skimmed through it, I tend to agree with a lot of his remarks. Yet another Adventure Path module I'll have to modify before running :rolleyes:


Sniper o' the Shrouds
I hated Standing Stone. I really liked Bastion and the Forge. The rest are solid adventures I would recommend to anyone. I think I like Speaker in Dreams more than about anyone, also. I made just the one little change to fit my mindset on the adventure which should be up in the reviews section, also.

One thing I've noticed is that players with abilities outside of Core will pretty much stomp the adventures that are written just Core. It takes a good bit of work to even things out. Also 5 PCs is 25% tougher than 4 PCs, so you have to modify things based on the number of players.


Dinkeldog said:
One thing I've noticed is that players with abilities outside of Core will pretty much stomp the adventures that are written just Core. It takes a good bit of work to even things out. Also 5 PCs is 25% tougher than 4 PCs, so you have to modify things based on the number of players.

Yeah. I've been upping the stats & hp of many (most, probably) of the creatures the PCs face, to make things a bit more challenging for my overpowered band of PCs.

The numbers thing is a bigger deal for me -- the group now has 5 PCs, 2 ex-PCs that I've been reluctant to write out via deus ex machina, 1 cohort, and a few NPCs that the players have befriended. It's a freaking mob.

Voidrunner's Codex

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