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X-crawl as mindless fun


I have very little time for gaming these days with 2 kids and a job that keeps me on air planes quite a bit. I do miss sitting around a table with good friends throwing dice at each other.

I do have time to run a game about once a month for 3-5 hours and I have been contemplating picking up X-Crawl.

On its veneer it seems to be a good, campy, fun run at the sacred cows of gaming mashed together with a pretty decent premise. I know I could do this with good old fashioned D&D but I think there is a lot of baggage around running a campaign in D&D that I (and probably the players) could not divorce ourselves from. (IE campaign context, long plot lines, world immersion...).

Does anyone here own X-Crawl, have you run it or played in it and what are your thoughts? Before I go and drop $30-$60 on some of the books.

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