Spoilers X-Men '97 spoilers

What a start!

They kept Storm's over the top voice acting, and they finally used the "omega level mutant" terminology from the comics. And Beast is keeping up with his quotes. I'd forgotten about the past relationship between Rogue and Magneto and now it gets complicated, hopefully not as complicated as the comics.

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Holy naughty word! Those two episodes were A BLAST. Everything is at the level of—or even better than?—the original. The writing was surprisingly poignant and nuanced, and they went immediately for the big drama.

I'm so hooked! I need like two more full seasons of this NOW 😱 🖤

Episode 3 came out, and unfortunately it felt much weaker than the first two. I think its cool they went with the Madeline Pryor storyline, but it felt really rushed and forced:
  • Beast just dropping the bomb right in front of her, and seemed genuinely confused why the clone would react so harshly to the news. Like damn man, bedside manner much?
  • Her whole transformation into the Goblin Queen was straight out of Sailor Moon. Like seriously weird. And Goblin Queen? Sure that is the name in the comics but there is absolutely no context where that name came from. She could have called herself the yellow zephyr noodle and it would have made as much sense.
  • Cyclops just had zero reaction at first to the news. I think they were going for stunned, but again they just didn't give time to let the scene breathe, just so crazy rushed.
  • I get that the Xmen have seen crazy things in their time....but they literally just found out the woman they have been hanging out with possibly for years is a clone, and the original might have been locked away in a lab somewhere for years. Yet they all go about their day like literally nothing has happened. They could be checking in on old jean, new jean, heck talking about their feelings about the whole thing. Not just regular old danger room stuff and tv watching.
  • Ok Nathan has the techno-organic virus.....you mean the same one that wolverine got infected with a while back, made anti-bodies for, and has been studied somewhere for at least a year or two? I recognize that for one reason or another maybe that won't help Nathan but at least mention the idea before you go hurtling your baby into the future. I get that we got to get Nathan into the future so he can become Cable, but its just so ham-fisted.
  • And then the name Madeline Pryor. Again comic accurate....but just completely out of no-where in the context of the show itself. Could have called herself Englebert Humberdink and would have been just as random.

This really should have been a least a two-parter, and given some time for a bit more explanation and a chance to let the characters actually react to this intense situation.

Episode 3 came out, and unfortunately it felt much weaker than the first two. I think its cool they went with the Madeline Pryor storyline, but it felt really rushed and forced:

  • Ok Nathan has the techno-organic virus.....you mean the same one that wolverine got infected with a while back, made anti-bodies for, and has been studied somewhere for at least a year or two? I recognize that for one reason or another maybe that won't help Nathan but at least mention the idea before you go hurtling your baby into the future. I get that we got to get Nathan into the future so he can become Cable, but its just so ham-fisted.
  • And then the name Madeline Pryor. Again comic accurate....but just completely out of no-where in the context of the show itself. Could have called herself Englebert Humberdink and would have been just as random.

This really should have been a least a two-parter, and given some time for a bit more explanation and a chance to let the characters actually react to this intense situation.
At least they didn't say she's from an alternate universe and make the family tree REALLY complicated. There was a quick throw away line about the virus being more virulent than what Beast had seen or something like that.
EDIT: You're not the only one who thought they raced past it X-Men '97 Just Sped Through One of the Greatest Stories in Comics History
Also, I'm with Gambit...I can't unsee that now, it was a bit odd that Magneto hadn't heard of Sinister when they worked together with Apocalypse
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At least they didn't say she's from an alternate universe and make the family tree REALLY complicated. There was a quick throw away line about the virus being more virulent than what Beast had seen or something like that.
EDIT: You're not the only one who thought they raced past it X-Men '97 Just Sped Through One of the Greatest Stories in Comics History
Also, I'm with Gambit...I can't unsee that now, it was a bit odd that Magneto hadn't heard of Sinister when they worked together with Apocalypse

Yeah If I was 15 I probably would have been adequately entertained with this episode, but now as an adult watching the revived series I am very disappointed that what could have been a deep and complex multi-episode storyline was squished into 28 minutes!
They really should have dropped the whole Goblin Queen shtick and just concentrated on Mr Sinisters manipulations

The entire Madeline Pryor plot arc is one with enough garbled storytelling that it's best not to look too closely at it in the comics where all the supporting facts were well-established. There was no way it was going to work well as a single-episode plot. It's especially jarring because the 90s animated X-Men is one of the few places where Cyclops is both a main character and also not a jerk/constantly-screwing-up-non-jerk. 'Everyone thought it was Jean all along' is a succinct way of excluding much of his negative behavior, but it also clips a huge amount of the story beats along the way.

Mostly, what I think it misses is that Madeline as Sinister-clone-plant is the most interesting elevator-pitch component of her story arc, but actually the least interesting part about her. The perfectly normal pilot who meets hero-trying-to-retire, who then is taken in by his hero-family when he abandons her and their young son (and later ends up back with the ex you were clearly a substantively similar substitute for), then spends months in the Australian outback being slowly influenced by demonic tempters (and possible actual demonic corruption) into becoming the mole within the team -- that's the interesting story.

  • Ok Nathan has the techno-organic virus.....you mean the same one that wolverine got infected with a while back, made anti-bodies for, and has been studied somewhere for at least a year or two? I recognize that for one reason or another maybe that won't help Nathan but at least mention the idea before you go hurtling your baby into the future. I get that we got to get Nathan into the future so he can become Cable, but its just so ham-fisted.
I think Wolverine was infected with the Legacy Virus, not the Techo-organic virus.

I was glad they went with a one-episode thing to introduce and then ditch one of my most hated characters in all of X-Men legendaria. Goodbye, Madeline, you will not be missed. We got that silliness out of the way.

I think Wolverine was infected with the Legacy Virus, not the Techo-organic virus.
So I actually went back to the old episodes, and it looks like they never technically say, its always "the plague". And when I checked a few summary sites, some called it the legacy virus others techno-organic, but I guess its never official in the story itself.

That said, when you compare the two infections on screen, both have a greenish color with rectangular patterns appearing on the skin. So if they didn't want the two viruses to be compared, they could have done a lot more to differentiate them. Without knowing anything else, it looks like the same infection.

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