Spoilers X-Men '97 spoilers

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A suffusion of yellow
Well it didnt take long for characters to comback from the dead, but whether demons, aliens or timetravel Gambits sacrifice was too good to twist.

Thomas Shey

Actually, I don't see any characters who've come back from the dead as of this ep (unless you count Charles, which I never did, knowing the storyline), though there's strong implications of at least one soon.


A suffusion of yellow
Actually, I don't see any characters who've come back from the dead as of this ep (unless you count Charles, which I never did, knowing the storyline), though there's strong implications of at least one soon.
yeah I was including Charles - the whole set up for the series is the death of Prof X after all, and I was including Storms loss of powers as a 'death of the goddess' too.


yeah I was including Charles - the whole set up for the series is the death of Prof X after all
But we know he didn't die from the end of the first series. He was just whisked away to magical alien land for super tech healing.

Now what was not known if he would ever return to earth, aka would he need treatment "forever" or if they could cure him and he could come back. That's one thing I found so very strange about the beginning of the new series, they did kind of treat him like he was dead..... but that never made sense, unless Lylandra sent word that he had in fact not survived the treatment (which they never did, we could be expected to have seen that note in the opening of the new show).

Its actually kind of a dick move on Charles' part... I mean you don't even send word home that you survived? Hell even Lylandra in this episode had said "maybe you should you know talk to your kids, tell them about the wedding, etc"

Zeromaru X

Arkhosian scholar and coffee lover
Its actually kind of a dick move on Charles' part...
Classic Xavier moment, if you are familiar with the comics, lol

But you're right, the premise of the series is that people presumed he was dead, and the government even issued a death certificate (that's why Cyclops was so upset in chapter 1). But we never got confirmation of that. People just assumed he died because he never called back.

Helena Real

bit.ly/ato-qs (she/her)
I will say my only complaint in this episode is that they continue this Sailor Moon magical girl transformation where costumes literally appear out of thin air. That is a weird choice that is definitely a phenomenon of the new show rather than the old.

It is at the end of the day a minor nitpick.

You say Sailor Moon transformation-like as if that is a bad thing when I consider it one of the highest compliment animation-wise. I was commenting to some friends the other day that, on a recent rewatch, OG Sailor Moon remains an incredible series, and that Usagi's transformation into Sailor Moon is still, to this day, one of the most iconic and awe-inspiring segments of animation and visual storytelling I've ever seen put to screen.

Otherwise I think it was a really good episode. Nothing could follow 5 and be better, but this was a solid one. My only frustration is with today's lack of patience and restraint when it comes to storytelling. I think they should've waited to reveal Charles and restore Storm a couple more episodes, or at least don't do both in the same episode following what happened on 5. Let us mourn and dwell on it as an audience, and show us the characters talking about the horror and beginning to process it.


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
The uniform thing was surprising, yes, but I would be more concerned about her full hair coming out of thin air.
The hair, I’ll give you that. But Storm used to go from civvies to uniform in the crackle of lightning back in the Dave Cockrum days of the new X-Men comic books. So the uniform thing isn’t new by a long shot.


You say Sailor Moon transformation-like as if that is a bad thing when I consider it one of the highest compliment animation-wise. I was commenting to some friends the other day that, on a recent rewatch, OG Sailor Moon remains an incredible series, and that Usagi's transformation into Sailor Moon is still, to this day, one of the most iconic and awe-inspiring segments of animation and visual storytelling I've ever seen put to screen.
To be clear, I was a big Mooninite back in the day. Its not that magical girl transformations are "bad" implicitly, but in Sailor Moon they are the result of magic. Its in the lore of the world.

As far as I know, Storm and Jean don't have mutant abilities to create clothing out of thin air, which is why it was jarring to me, it seems to defy the established lore of the world we are presented.


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
As far as I know, Storm and Jean don't have mutant abilities to create clothing out of thin air, which is why it was jarring to me, it seems to defy the established lore of the world we are presented.
For Jean, they may be drawing from what she used to do in the comics as Phoenix where she could make clothing out of thin air. And once you've got a cool visual of something, that's the method you continue on with...

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