Spoilers X-Men '97 spoilers

Zeromaru X

Arkhosian scholar and coffee lover
Well, the members have shown up in the classic X-men and Spider-Man series, but they haven't reunited yet. Iron-man acts alone, Captain America is still sealed somewhere (as of his last apparition in Spider-Man), and Thor was just a cameo in the Dark Phoenix arc.

They may have joined together by this point (chronologically, it has been just a year and a month after the last episode of the classic X-men), but as far as we know they haven't acted publicly yet. That's the point, publicly only the X-men are the ones doing stuff (as Spider-Man was also more secret about his stuff as well).

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Well, the members have shown up in the classic X-men and Spider-Man series, but they haven't reunited yet. Iron-man acts alone, Captain America is still sealed somewhere (as of his last apparition in Spider-Man), and Thor was just a cameo in the Dark Phoenix arc.

They may have joined together by this point (chronologically, it has been just a year and a month after the last episode of the classic X-men), but as far as we know they haven't acted publicly yet. That's the point, publicly only the X-men are the ones doing stuff (as Spider-Man was also more secret about his stuff as well).
Did you see the promo for the next episode i posted, Cap's shield is in it.


A suffusion of yellow
Well, the members have shown up in the classic X-men and Spider-Man series, but they haven't reunited yet. Iron-man acts alone, Captain America is still sealed somewhere (as of his last apparition in Spider-Man), and Thor was just a cameo in the Dark Phoenix arc.

They may have joined together by this point (chronologically, it has been just a year and a month after the last episode of the classic X-men), but as far as we know they haven't acted publicly yet. That's the point, publicly only the X-men are the ones doing stuff (as Spider-Man was also more secret about his stuff as well).

Yeah the X-Men being persecuted in the same world where the Avengers are public heroes never really made much sense to me - except if you accept Magneto (and apparently Scotts) premise that Homo-Superior are distinct from Humans (and a threat), who humans are now forced to share a world with - along with Asgardians, Talokani, Skrulls, Inhumans, Mutates and Dragons.

My preference is to keep the X-Men (as a group) out of the MCU with maybe the occasional easter egg of guest spot via the multiverse - we will see…

Zeromaru X

Arkhosian scholar and coffee lover
Sure, but seeing the thematic of the next episode (Ororo and Forge dealing with the mental tricks of the Adversary), I'm not going to be too hyped.


Well, wouldn't the Avengers not exist at this point? If this is set in the MCU, the avengers are still a few years away.


A suffusion of yellow
Well, wouldn't the Avengers not exist at this point? If this is set in the MCU, the avengers are still a few years away.
Yeah but even that's weird, we know SHIELD was recruiting Supers from at least the 60s to the 90s, so no way they could have missed a whole school of mutants without them being on file
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Yeah but even that's weird, we know SHIELD was recruiting Supers from at least to 60s to the 90s, so no way they could have missed a whole school of mutants without them being on file
Yeah, I don't think that this is meant to be the main MCU universe. Then again, now that the MCU is in the Multiverse, who the heck knows which continuity these stories are from?

Thomas Shey

Yeah, I don't think that this is meant to be the main MCU universe. Then again, now that the MCU is in the Multiverse, who the heck knows which continuity these stories are from?

Its not in the MCU proper, but if you include the Multiverse the question is mostly meaningless.

Zeromaru X

Arkhosian scholar and coffee lover
Yeah but even that's weird, we know SHIELD was recruiting Supers from at least the 60s to the 90s, so no way they could have missed a whole school of mutants without them being on file

But SHIELD doesn't do that in this universe. They are just an anti-terrorist organization that do their work themselves. They never interacted with the X-men in the classic series, but they recruited Spider-Man for one mission.

The 90s X-men (and Spider-Man) live in an universe that is so different from the standard MCU, that even time work different here (see "Time Fugitives", ep. 7-8 from the second season of the classic series). Which means we should not expect things to happen exactly the same as in the MCU and other current day Marvel universes.

Helena Real

bit.ly/ato-qs (she/her)
Just finished watching 4 & 5. Holy sh*t. They ripped my heart out! I love what they're doing with this series. The writing is top notch, IMO, and they're hitting all the emotional beats. I was afraid they would try to tone down the soap opera in this sequel but, if anything, they've leaned on it even harder—and I'm a happier woman for it! ☺

Can't wait for more episodes. I hope this is doing well and gets renewed for 10 seasons.

One can only dream.

Voidrunner's Codex

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